
Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:21 am
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points
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It's been a very long time since I did a Forum Grow Journal, this one is sure to be controversial but before we get into any of that I'll detail my grow areas.

My current Veg space is 5' x 10'
I start seedlings and root cuttings under an 8 bulb 2' x 4' T5 unit.
As plants increase in volume I increase their spacing and subsequently their lighting needs, from 1 T5 unit to a maximum of x2 600W MH. Extraction is via an 8” fan with Rhino Filter, intake is passive.

My current Flower space 10' x 10' with 6x 600W Digital Ballasts with the bulbs mounted in 3' Parabolic shades. Extraction is via a 10” fan and Rhino filter. The ceiling height of my Froom is sloped and starts at approx 10' and increases to approximately 16' the intake being passive.

My lighting schedules are controversial and are often dismissed as being nothing short of ridicules, I hope to prove otherwise.

In Veg I recently switched from 24-0 to 12-1 aka Gas Lantern

In Flower I recently began using the very controversial 6-18

Initially I experimented with both of these schedules during the summer of 2016 by flowering males indoors and re-vegging some Old Congo Sativa's.

These experiments gave me the confidence to use both schedules on my indoor Fall grow.
The 1st grow was completed in Dec 2016 and while the harvest was not my best, it had proved to me that flowering at 6-18 was worth perusing.

This brings us to my current grow.

During the November Super Moon I soaked 50 seeds from 7 strains for 24hrs in plain tap water before using Matt Riots paper towel tech to germinate the seeds.

[URL=Instagram Link]Seeds[/URL]

A high percentage of seedlings were transplanted into small biodegradable seedling bags filled with coco coir.


The seedlings were veg'd for a total of 8wks and were transplanted twice.
1st transplant from seedling bags to 1.5 gal pots and then into their final 3 gal pots.






GSC x JTR @ 2wks into flower and due to have the lowers trimmed.

Who has more info about this cross ? I think it's one of 420Bennys but could be mistaken. @4u2smoke



Day 25 of Flowering @ 6-18


While the grow is far from finished and my grow rooms are far from perfect I'm hoping to show how successful alternate lighting schedules can be.

For the layman, it is being theorized that after 6hrs of sufficient lighting, a plant is unable to absorb any more energy and therefore any additional light after 6hrs is an excess that the plant can not absorb and hence is unable to use.

When There Is Too Much Light is a great article for those that might to read a little deeper then layman terms.

I first became aware of 6-18 Flowering when researching Joe Pietri after Firestax had considered vending Joe's Genetics.

Joe has his own Facebook Group and website Growlikejoe.com though some people believe he has a cult like status and his belief in alternative lighting schedules are nothing more then pseudo science his group exceeds 5000 members that often show off their flowering plants.


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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Fri Feb 10, 2017 10:44 am
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

SWEEEEEEEET !!!!! Let the show begin ...Im in the front row...Woot woot

take care and be safe

Light travels faster then sound....... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:08 am
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points
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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Fri Feb 10, 2017 4:26 pm
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points

Beta Testing these NaranjaGanja Haze for #alchemistic_seeds
Can't remember the parent line right now other then the father was a Crocketts Haze
It's really beginning to get very oily and terpy at day 25 6-18

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:53 am
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points

Spent some time working with my current mothers this morning and decided to take some Skunk Piss from #oldproseeds and from the GSC x JTR moms. I also decide to give air layering a go, just because. I decide to use 1ltr Airpots and made some custom bases so the'd slip over the stems. I've seen this done on Fig trees using Airpots but only ever seen people use rw cubes on Cannabis. No real biggie if they don't take, I'll keep them beside my T5 unit running 1hr on 1hr off. I've been using 1-1 for approximately 6wks in my veg room when I got pissed with 15-15 mins not giving me time to work productively while in the veg room, I'd switch my timer to the "on" position and forget to switch it back to timer when I saw all squared away.

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:21 am
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

Please explain what is going on with the Air pots up in the air?....is there a Larger plant in the back round?

thanks for sharing...

Light travels faster then sound....... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:35 pm
by Cubby | 1.267 Posts | 4795 Points

Quote: 4u2sm0ke wrote in post #6
Please explain what is going on with the Air pots up in the air?....is there a Larger plant in the back round?

thanks for sharing...

I believe the airpots are wrapped around a branch and filled with medium. Once the branches throw roots they are cut off at the bottom of the airpot.
I've done this with coco coir and plastic wrap.

BHC #6 7/8

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:29 pm
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points

Yeah cubby's got it right

This was a spare girl that I'd rejected from flower thinking she was male and long story short ended up at the back of my veg room. She's totally out of proportion to all my other current vegging plants so just for shits n giggles I decided to have a go at air layering. She'd already been topped and trained to x4 mains, when (or if) she roots into the airpots I'll cut them from the host plant.

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:35 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points


Light travels faster then sound....... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sun Feb 12, 2017 6:41 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

Ok, on the light timing, if only 6 hours of light are used have you ever thought of less dark cycle ?
What's the minimum ratio of light to dark that a photosensitive plant can handle?
Do you then go 6/6.... 2 times in a 24 hour cycle, potentially finishing in a total of 28 calendar days ?
Is that even possible ?

I guess my question is at 6 hours light what's your dork schedule ?

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:55 am
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points


That's a great question dude.
TBH I really don't know the answer.
Since I began experimenting with these schedules with Males in flower and re-veg in veg the only experimentation I've tried is in veg with my T5's;

15 mins on 15 mins off
30 mins on 30 mins off
1hr on 1hr off

Received 12 cuttings from the UK yesterday all in great shape, probably because my friend and I split the cost on 24hr delivery.

x2 each of

Inc Bulk
Fruity Chronic Juice
Super Lemon Haze
Agent Orange

I'll get pics up of these soon. First though I need to find my spare Ballasts, for the life of me I've hunted high and low, otherwise I'll be buying some new ones.

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:14 am
by Cubby | 1.267 Posts | 4795 Points

Are you aware of any issues as far as plants going hermie from this light schedule?

BHC #6 7/8

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Fri Feb 17, 2017 6:07 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

I could see a 6/12 cycle coming in at 44 days or so...I mean we do 12/12... so why do more than 12?...
Just might have to look that up...not sure how to set the timers though....

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:22 am
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points

@cubby This is my second full 6-18 grow.

The first passed with zero hermies on this grow I've rejected 1 hermy, a Rotten Banana from Thug Pug Genetics.
I've seen much worse then this in regular growing, so I'm not really concerned that 6-18 caused the herm, even though there are some who proclaim that 6-18 will cause all your plants to herm. I guess they never actually tried 6-18 preferring to follow consensus decision-making rather then experimenting and coming to there own conclusions.

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:54 am
by Cubby | 1.267 Posts | 4795 Points

I'll be watchin' your progress going forward, it's interesting. I know there are many reasons, and sometimes none, that result in hermies. I was just wondering if there was a higher likelihood that this light schedule might enable the hermie trait to appear.
Good luck.

BHC #6 7/8

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:22 pm
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points

Hey guys

just a quick pictureless update, sorry

The flower rooms at end of wk7 this coming Sunday and I should have been scoping trics but haven't yet lol
I'm a little nervous I'll end up with egg on my face but at the same time the rooms full of budz of various sizes but no massive colas ( give the skunk piss a few more wks though) and anywho the way I see it

I'm flowering a 10 x 10 room with 6 x 600W but only paying for 3 x 600w :)

There's some most excellent terps coming from most of the girls, the Rotten Banana is very nasty and the GSC x JTR very floral - sandalwood - Indian Ganja

I've had some more PM which is my biggest concern since moving here 3yrs ago, every indoor grow I've had PM. I am getting much better at controlling all outbreaks that devastated earlier crops all organically too
I live in a National Park and all of the surrounding countryside is riddled with PM I may still end up having to HEPPA filter the air intakes and possibly use UVB - sterilizing equipment for the air yet but yeah I'm certainly seeing less PM now but at the same time far too much fer my liking lol

One oddity is that one of the Skunk Piss is re-veging, so I guess she's not a fan of 6-18 I think I'll cull her this Sunday and spread the other skunk piss out as they're clearly a few wks from peak.

Last edited Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:13 pm | Scroll up


RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:39 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

I like to use "GreenCure" its an Organic PM powder. I spray my plants every Sunday with it. This time year I all ways Battled the PM but for the last couple I been on top of it. Can wait to hear the end results.

PS. why you think one Skunk Piss reveg when the other Skunks did not?. was these from seed or clone?

take care and be safe

Light travels faster then sound....... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:36 am
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points

@4u2sm0ke cheers 4u I know about GC but it's not available in Europe.
I'm using a combination of organic products including neudo-vital and horsetail extracts but that PM is still rearing it's ugly head but no where as badly as it has in the past few years. January 2016 I culled a whole crop and closed the grow rooms down as the infestation was unbearable, I was devastated.

The re-veging Skunk Piss is very Sativa in structure and other then the 6-18 schedule I'm stumped as to why she started to re-veg @ 6wks (ish)

Pics will be coming soon, I wish it was as easy and convenient to post pics here as it is at Instagram

One of Mandala Seeds recommendations for treating-preventing-controling PM is neudo-vital




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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:56 pm
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points

Tree of Life Seeds - Cobbler
High CBD Low thc Hemp
Day 48

Last edited Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:59 pm | Scroll up


RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:17 pm
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points


Attached pictures:

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:24 pm
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points


Attached pictures:

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:50 pm
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points

@Alchemistic_seeds #NaranjaGanjaHaze Day 48

showing amber trics

Last edited Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:53 pm | Scroll up


RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:22 pm
by Multifarious | 65 Posts | 833 Points

Decided to pull her from the froom, ready to harvest tomorrow morning.

Attached pictures:

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:38 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

Light travels faster then sound....... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak

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RE: Alternative Lighting Schedules - a Grow Journal

in Grow Journals Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:11 am
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

Been reading up on light dep and I think I'll be trying it here shortly when I fire up at new grow site.

Sending GreenMojo Your way
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