
Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:58 pm
by Sunakard2000 | 59 Posts | 244 Points

well here we go at a new home so i figured i should start my new grow journal here, so to start off im working towards setting up a perpetual grow,

Iv got 3 great plants all started from seed, first ill say what i got going currently, the first thats going into flower is Sleetstack X Skunk reg, its already throwing pistil preflowers so im hoping its a female, the SSxS went into flower and the flower space was swapped back to 12/12 on 12-27-13 (last friday), the next plant due to move into flower is Lemon Twist, its a reg seed so im not sure what its gonna do, its super indica dom, super fat fan leaves that are about as large as my hands, it was fimmed about a month ago and has 5 nice tops that i bent over and tied down yesterday, and the LT will be going into the flowe space starting next saturday 1-04-14, and the 3rd plant to be moved into the flower space is a Northern Lights X Northern Lights Fem, she will move to flower on 1-11-14, she is already throwing nice pistils but since NL is a natorious slow vegger AND i took about 12 clones from it as well as a FIM its being chosen for last so it can recover a little longer, ill be transplanting it next weekend when the Lemon Twist is moved into the flower area.

After these 3 "orginal" plants started from seed are in flower i will be waiting another 2 or 3 weeks depending on the vegged clones size then i will start adding multiple plants in slightly smaller grow bags then i currently use (7gal) to be able to optimize space i need to down grade to either 3gal or 5gal grow bags instead of the 7gal smart pots i currently use for flower, before now i havent had any more then 6 plants in my flower space, trained them quite large so they took up alot of space, im going to train these clones of the NLxNL, SSxS and LT alot less then i did with the orginals since i trained the originals to be large so i could take lots of clones, now i can take 2 clones per plant and be able to keep up a good rotation of plants, as of right now i have enough clones in the dome, in cups and in 1gal pots to move 2 plants into flower every 2 weeks for 8 or even 10 week flowering plants, and by the time the first 2 plants that were moved in on the 8 or 10 week rotation are done ill still be able to fill halfway through the first harvest rotation, so iv got a nice little army ready and vegging,

as of right now im still stuck with the same deal, no stupid card reader to get pics off my camera and onto my comp, well thats gonna change here soon so ill be able to update with some pics a bit more regularly then in the past on MP, so since its a new adventure to get used to this nice shiney new home as well as a new adventure with a perpetual grow it should be enjoy able, the preverbal 2 birds with 1 stone lol, well thats it for now, ill leave you with a list of the basics im using for my grows below.

Veg Area: 5ftx3ft with loads of head room
4ft 4 bulb HO T5 with veg bulbs
veg pots are "rose pots with a 7.65inch X 7.65inch square top that tapers slightly as it go towards the bottom,
vegging soil is Fox Farm Happy Frog with some added Perilite
clone medium is Rapid Rooters and a cloning powder i got from Lowes (roots 2x faster and 2x as many roots as compaired to the Gel i have)

Flower Area: 4ftx4.5ft with a max of a 5ft of head room from the floor to the glass of my air cooled hood
600watt HPS with Big Kahuna air cooled hood,
current flower pots are 7gal smart pots "hat sacks"
new flower pots in the near future are 3 or 5 gal grow bags depending on how well the rose pots fit, dont want them too snug,
vegging soil is a 75%-25% blend of Fox Farm Ocean Forent and Fox Farm Happy Frog (respectively) with added perilite.

Nutes are General Hydroponics "General Organic" or "GO" line,which consists of:
Veg Nutes
Bio-Thrive Grow

Flower Nutes
Bio-Thrive Bloom

***Cal-Mg is used through both Veg and Flower, as well as Bio Marine overlapping a few weeks into the Flower rotation of nutes

As always be safe and much green mojo to you my friend!

Current Grow ~ Budda Purple Kush Autos

~~~~~~~~~ BHC Member #810 ~~~~~~~~~

Last edited Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:58 pm | Scroll up


RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Mon Dec 30, 2013 3:14 pm
by pcduck (deleted)

Green mojo for your grow.

I use 3 gal smart pots and/or grow bags . When doing perpetual

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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Mon Dec 30, 2013 3:36 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

I like to use 3-5 gallon containers as well...Mojo for the grow

take care and be safe
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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:49 pm
by Rosebud | 499 Posts | 2113 Points

greenest of Mojo to you Sunakard! thanks for starting a journal!

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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:16 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:22 pm
by Weedhopper | 1.210 Posts | 4031 Points

Pullen up a chair

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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:37 am
by Sunakard2000 | 59 Posts | 244 Points

woot more people pokin their heads in to say he-llo, awesome lol... yeah iv got these rose pots for vegging since they are the perfect size and easy to cram close together, but im just not sure if it will fit and have enough room in the 3 gal bags for me to add more soil to it when transplanting, i may have to go with the 5 gal just to have the added soil area for fresh soil. well i guess we shall see, hopefuly this saturday i can get out and up to the hydro store and get some things along with a few freebies since iv saved a bunch of points, my HTG store has a point system, every dollar = 1 point, iv gotten about a 1000 pts at the old store thats a little farther away from me compaired to the new HTG store, so im gonna go unload my 1000 pts on a hanging dry net and some grow bags, with my last harvest iv decided since its free to get the hanging dry net so i can dry more buds without taking up as much room onmy hanging lines, i can put twice as much on the net as i could hanging on the lines i currently have, plus its free so why not give it a try. so looking at the HTG book again i see that the 3gal pots will be too small around and will not fit the 7.65inch across rose pots i have, gotta go with 5gals, no biggie honestly but good to know lol, thy also have some other slightly smaller square pots that might work perfectly with the 3gal bags, ill have to check them out in store to see for sure.

As always be safe and much green mojo to you my friend!

Current Grow ~ Budda Purple Kush Autos

~~~~~~~~~ BHC Member #810 ~~~~~~~~~

Last edited Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:42 am | Scroll up


RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:01 am
by chevey | 41 Posts | 301 Points

That sleetstack@skunk sure do spourt nice! Like nice@ healthy yours? Goodgrowing!!!

Last edited Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:02 am | Scroll up


RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:27 am
by The Hemp Goddess | 281 Posts | 1083 Points

Sunakard, I am a little confused.....are you putting grow bags inside other pots?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History--Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:40 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

Quote: The Hemp Goddess wrote in post #9
Sunakard, I am a little confused.....are you putting grow bags inside other pots?

good mojo to ya... sounds like fun..


Last edited Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:43 pm | Scroll up


RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:23 am
by Sunakard2000 | 59 Posts | 244 Points

ooh no sorry for the confusion, im looking to change out the flower pots (bags) i am currently using/have, they are 7gal smart pots (phat sacks) and with that large size its hard to fit enough plants into my space, so im dropping from 7gal to 3 or 5 gal for flower, depending on the size of the 3 or 5 gal bags in compairson to the rose pots i have/use for veg pots, id prefer to use the 3 gal bags if i can but the extra room in comparison to the rose pots doesnt look like that much, so there isnt quite enough room to supply enough new soil for flowering, iv been looking at a few different pot sizes and i think i may have found some decent veg pots that are a tad smaller then the rose pots im using now and would be perfect for the 3 gal bags, but then again 5gal bags arnt that much larger then the 3 gal and more root space is better, i guess ill have to just wait till i get to the store this weekend to see for sure, i just dont want to get flower bags that arnt going to give me enough extra room for new soil, so no im not putting a bag in a pot, im just looking for the right pots/bags so i have enough room for new soil when transplanted.
also yes the SSxS are amazing, the orginal (started from seed) is in flower right now and its throwin pistils so far, hopefuly thats all it throws lol since it was a freebe seed. but the SSxS takes EXTREAMLY well to cloning, iv got i wanna say about 10 SSxS clones currently and they are absoutly exploding with growth. the SSxS is most defently a much faster vegger then the NLxNL but then again it all comes down to the final product so its hard to truely tell which is going to be the better, since they both look so good already. hopefuly this weekend i can get a pic update in here.

As always be safe and much green mojo to you my friend!

Last Grow ~ Budda Purple Kush Autos
Current Grow ~ Perpetual with SSxS, NLxNL, and a few others

~~~~~~~~~ BHC Member #810 ~~~~~~~~~
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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:18 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

Looking forward to the pics..The rose pots you use are they larger at top and go smaller?...I think they called terracotta ?...The Bags are nice...I like to poke more holes along the bottom after transplant...

take care and be safe
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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:39 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

Looks like another grow to watch. Right on.

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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:32 pm
by Sunakard2000 | 59 Posts | 244 Points

they are called Rose Buckets, they arnt terracota pots, but yes they do slightly taper to a smaller base, i believe the base is 5.5 inches with a 7.65 inch top, well either way im going to check out the Rose Buckets in comparison to the 3gal and 5 gal grow bags as well as some smaller pots like the rose buckets they are 5.5x5.5x6 pots in comparison to again the 3 and 5gal bags, just gotta see whats gonna work the best for my areas.
well tomorrow is the day... not only am i gonna add my orginal Lemon Twist (started from seed) into flower but im also heading to 2 HTGs tomorrow, the first HTG to cash in my reward points for some free stuff and maybe something else, not looking to buy much at this first HTG, then off back towards home to the 2nd HTG for the remainder of the things i need, gonna get a 2ftx4ft flood table tray for my veg area, these stupid saucers are just getting in my way and making it so hard to pack things in the veg closet in an organized and useful manner, right now its kind of a cluster cluck lol... also gonna get new veg pots, new flower bags and lots of soil plus a small restock on some nutes and some micro organism innoculation powder for veg to flower transplant, over all not really getting all that much but the few things i am getting will be a major help over all for this project, im also going to start saving for a 4ftx4ft flood table tray for my flower area, using tote lids and saucers again is getting old quick and is an absolute nightmare to get organized and packed correctly. also if i have any cash left over im gonna snag myself a card reader as well for pic updates, if not this weekend im guessing next weekend ill be able to get the card reader and a few other things i need for the girls. well thats it for now thanks again for stopping in and saying hi everyone, nice to have people checking in on how things are going.

As always be safe and much green mojo to you my friend!

Last Grow ~ Budda Purple Kush Autos
Current Grow ~ Perpetual with SSxS, NLxNL, and a few others

~~~~~~~~~ BHC Member #810 ~~~~~~~~~
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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:40 pm
by Sunakard2000 | 59 Posts | 244 Points

sorry for another post totaly forgot to mention i took down the Purple Auto freebie i grew out with my Budda Purple Kush autos, the BPK is almost done curing, about another week and it should be done, now after trimming the freebie iv decied to not call it purple freebie anymore, i dub it Alien Vag, cuz its green on the outside and the calix's are a bright almost hot pink with a very slight lavander hue... super sexy lookin and super super sweet smelling. again hopefuly i can get some decent pics up soon...

As always be safe and much green mojo to you my friend!

Last Grow ~ Budda Purple Kush Autos
Current Grow ~ Perpetual with SSxS, NLxNL, and a few others

~~~~~~~~~ BHC Member #810 ~~~~~~~~~
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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:23 am
by sin inc | 101 Posts | 934 Points

that sounds yummy

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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:22 am
by Sunakard2000 | 59 Posts | 244 Points

lol it smells so good just hanging i cant wait for the end of the cure.... i also decided on the 5gal grow bags since the larger rose pots i have fit in the 5gal bags perfectly with a few inches all around for new soil and the 5.5inch square pots i grabbed yesterday also will fit with loads of extra room. plus the 5 gal bags are so much skinnier and taller then the phat sacks i already have which are short and wide and take up far too much space. i also picked up a 4ft x 2 ft Xtray a hydro ebb-n-flow table tray for my veg closet, the dumb round saucers with square pots just didnt fit properly, now everything looks insanely organized and nice in the closet and iv decided that next check im gonna get a 4ft x 4ft Xtray for my flower area, no more using tote lids as run off saucers lol since the phat sacks are well so damn fat they dont fit on even the largest 15inch saucers i have so tote lids are the only thing that work lol but again like in the veg area, im getting tired of having dead space between plants that i cant take advantage of because of the tote lids and not being able to snug certian plants closer together is just getting old, time for an upgrade lol.

As always be safe and much green mojo to you my friend!

Last Grow ~ Budda Purple Kush Autos
Current Grow ~ Perpetual with SSxS, NLxNL, and a few others

~~~~~~~~~ BHC Member #810 ~~~~~~~~~

Last edited Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:24 am | Scroll up


RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:24 pm
by Sunakard2000 | 59 Posts | 244 Points

well besides a slight deficiency problem everything is rockin and rollin great, the Sleetstack x Skunk i put in flower 2 weeks ago is starting to blast pistils everywhere, yay a female!!!, also the Lemon Twist i threw in flower this past weekend is starting to show preflower pistils, still tiny and only a few but its only been in there for 3 days so yeah, and the Northern Light that is still in veg was a fem seed and already blasting preflower pistils everywhere, super long hairs too, only another 5 days and she will join the others in flower. so happy that my orginal 3 plants all turned out female, makes this whole perpetual project just that much easier.

As always be safe and much green mojo to you my friend!

Last Grow ~ Budda Purple Kush Autos
Current Grow ~ Perpetual with SSxS, NLxNL, and a few others

~~~~~~~~~ BHC Member #810 ~~~~~~~~~
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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:50 am
by Sunakard2000 | 59 Posts | 244 Points

well this past saturday i put the last of the 3 orginal plants into flower, the Northern Lights x Northern Lights. after a week in flower the Lemon Twist is flowering quite nicely, loads of hairs all over and no much stretch, same goes with the Sleetstack x Skunk that was started in flower on the 4th of this month. all 3 are looking super healthy and flowering like mad. i also re-adjusted the plants in my veg space since i now have alot more room without the NLx NL and its 7gal grow bag. nothing else much to report, everythings looking good and green.

As always be safe and much green mojo to you my friend!

Last Grow ~ Budda Purple Kush Autos
Current Grow ~ Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains ~
~Sleetstack X Skunk, Northern Lights x Northern Lights, Lemon Twist, Lemon OG Kush~

~~~~~~~~~ BHC Member #810 ~~~~~~~~~
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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:23 am
by Sunakard2000 | 59 Posts | 244 Points

well although this has absoutly NOTHING to do with the physical grow i feel its something i need to post... I FINALLY GOT AN AWESOME DIGITAL CAMERA!!! and it was 100% FREE!!! WOOOOT!!! so at my job we had a tenate move out and leave a TON of crap behind... one of the many things left in his place was a digital camera still in the box and in its wrapper... works great and the clarity OMG its like a million times better then what iv been using lol... still dont have my own working card reader but i should be able to port things via usb with this new camera... got some more playing and reading to do but i should hopefuly be able to get some pics with my new camera today, and if the usb porting works like i assume it works ill finally have some pics up in here and the thread wont be worthless anymore HAHAHAH!!!

As always be safe and much green mojo to you my friend!

Last Grow ~ Budda Purple Kush Autos
Current Grow ~ Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains ~
~Sleetstack X Skunk, Northern Lights x Northern Lights, Lemon Twist, Lemon OG Kush~

~~~~~~~~~ BHC Member #810 ~~~~~~~~~
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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:53 pm
by 7greeneyes | 469 Posts | 1830 Points

gotta love free :)

BHC# 711

"When injustice becomes law, then resistance becomes duty."
Thomas Jefferson

“I am not the lifestyle police.”- (my new hero) Pitkin County, CO Sheriff Joe DiSalvo
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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Fri Jan 17, 2014 3:05 pm
by Sunakard2000 | 59 Posts | 244 Points

heck yeah, i looked online and the camera is only a few years old and brand new its about 150-200 bucks... cant beat that for free lol well im off work for the day so im gonna start playing more with the camera, lets see what happens lol, should be able to post some pics within the next few hours assuming i can port pics via usb...

As always be safe and much green mojo to you my friend!

Last Grow ~ Budda Purple Kush Autos
Current Grow ~ Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains ~
~Sleetstack X Skunk, Northern Lights x Northern Lights, Lemon Twist, Lemon OG Kush~

~~~~~~~~~ BHC Member #810 ~~~~~~~~~
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RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:13 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

With my Lumix I import them from camera, send them to my pictures, resize with Windows Live Photo Gallery, then I upload re-sized picture here. I do it the same way when I use my brothers Canon EOS so I think they are all the same?

Last edited Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:15 pm | Scroll up


RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:01 am
by Sunakard2000 | 59 Posts | 244 Points

yeah it would work... if i had the usb data cable... unfortunatly the camera didnt come with it, mind you i got this camera for free while cleaning out a residents house... and i searched for hours for the usb cable to no avail... ooh well gonna order one this weekend when i get paid.. only like 4 bucks so thats totaly do-able... i will most defently have some pics up soon of my SSxS, LT, and NLxNL... everything is flower is looking insanely sexy and the plants in veg are commin along, i found out what the deficiency problem was caused by... when i re-used my old soil since i was scrapped for cash and couldnt get new soil i forgot to add more goodies, ooh well at least i only used the soil for vegging plants, every plant that was potted up with old soil and has already been transplanted into the new 5gal grow bags or into veg pots with new soil have worked their way out of the deficiency and are now healthy without problems... so no more problems woot woot, well this saturday will be a busy day for me, lots of transplanting and im thinking of moving 2 more into flower, havnt decided on wether i wanna wait another few weeks or stick the 2 that are ready-ish into flower... well i got some time to ponder that, i may wait only because the first 3 plants moved into flower are in 7gal smart pots and take up a hell of alot of room... may have to stagger the new entries a bit more... awe well this is all part of the fun of a perpetual grow and working my old system into a perpetual system. its defently an adventure and a hell of alot of fun, anywho enough blah blah blah, the girls need some feeding so ill check in later...
also one last question, has anyone grown out a Sleetstack X Skunk, im a little curious on whether or not its a light or heavy feeder, since iv had this defency from the old soil (my own dumb mistake) its taking me a bit longer to pin-point what kind of feeder she is... any help is appreciated

As always be safe and much green mojo to you my friend!

Last Grow ~ Budda Purple Kush Autos
Current Grow ~ Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains ~
~Sleetstack X Skunk, Northern Lights x Northern Lights, Lemon Twist, Lemon OG Kush~

~~~~~~~~~ BHC Member #810 ~~~~~~~~~

Last edited Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:25 am | Scroll up


RE: Sunakard Indoor Perpetual Grow multiple strains

in Grow Journals Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:35 am
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

What, no cable, that sucks . I have no shortage of cables, I must have 2 or 3 laying around. It sounds like you have lots to show us.

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