
Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:25 pm
by JackRyan420 | 288 Posts | 1272 Points

Oh well, at the risk of starting a war, I'd like to ask if any of you have tried Advanced Nutrients.

They are expensive and confusing, yet many people like them.

I'm currently using Dyna-Gro 3-part nutrients (Grow, Bloom, Pro-Tect). A very well respected member over at RollItUp did a side-by-side grow that was identical except for the nutrients used. On one grow he used Dyna-Gro, and on the other he used Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect Connesiour (one of their most expensive lines).

His results were that Dyna-Gro slightly outperformed Advanced Nutrients, and at a much lower price.

Has anybody here used Advanced Nutrients?

Last edited Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:27 pm | Scroll up


RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:43 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

i run advanced...
i like the way my plants look...
hows the dyna grow?
jmansweed nute study lines em all up....


Last edited Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:45 pm | Scroll up


RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:47 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

not to defend one brand over another but i dont believe any of the three or two part systems to be that much diff from each other....
the reason i like and use advanced is the additives ..
my two cents

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:48 pm
by JackRyan420 | 288 Posts | 1272 Points

Quote: surfinc wrote in post #3
not to defend one brand over another but i dont believe any of the three or two part systems to be that much diff from each other....
the reason i like and use advanced is the additives ..
my two cents

If you don't mind me asking:

1. What AN base nutrients do you use?

2. What additives do you use?


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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:57 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

micro grow bloom
bud candy
enggys H-2
big bud
voodoo juice(in veg)
carbo load
i think thats all
i use great white at transplants
Sea mag (humboltd)
sea cal (humboldt)
thhink thats it is it
Enggy F-1 also maybe sometimes

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:31 pm
by JackRyan420 | 288 Posts | 1272 Points

Quote: surfinc wrote in post #5
micro grow bloom
bud candy
enggys H-2
big bud
voodoo juice(in veg)
carbo load
i think thats all
i use great white at transplants
Sea mag (humboltd)
sea cal (humboldt)
thhink thats it is it
Enggy F-1 also maybe sometimes

Wow, quite a list. I wouldn't even know how to go about determining which of their additives are valuable, and which are not. I know some must be valuable given their commitment to our cause, but do you think that all their many additives can be truly beneficial? Just pondering...

Last edited Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:35 pm | Scroll up


RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:50 pm
by Hushpuppy | 77 Posts | 323 Points

My favorite and the only nute I use is AN's Jungle Juice 3part (not the new one ffor coco or the the one that is called 2 part but is actually 4part). I love the results that I get from it. I tried it on a fluke as I was looking for something better than the Nutraffield coco line, and I just happened to read some data on it at the hydro online-store and decided to try it. I have only used a few different nute brands so I don't have much to compare to but when I tried the JJ, I immediately fell in love (as did my plants) with the way it works. It is a stand alone base nutrient and I have run it by itself and got excellent results.

But I do amend it a little for running it with coco coir medium. I add cal/mag from Technaflora because it does need the extra punch off the cal/mag ffor running in hydro/coco. I also found that the use of hygrozyme is very helpful regardless off what nute brand you use. I do use some Thrive alive from Technaflora(only twice) when I transplant new veg girls and when I switch to fflower. Aside ffrom those, I don't see the need for anything extra.

The one caveat with the JJ 3part is that it isn't one off the pH Perfect nutes that they offer. On the contrary, it has no pH buffers in it and has to be pH adjusted when used initially for soil/soilless applications, and it has to be adjusted periodically when used in hydro. However, I found that I prefer to control my own pH adjusting as I like to allow my pH to drift across a spectrum which allows the plants to get the most out off the nutes (IMHO)

Doctor Madbud
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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:32 pm
by umbra | 780 Posts | 4085 Points

AN products work, however they can be reproduced for much less. Much of it depends on your growing style. Hydro, soil, organic. For organic soil growers, nutrients are not a major consideration, it's the micro organisms that do all the work. There are more efficient ways of developing micro organisms by using aerated composted teas, mycorrhizal fungi, tricoderma, and EM1.

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:08 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

Jmansweed's Nute Study this is a great read on the different brands most the better brands are in it

Let's help each other, by spreading our knowledge of the plants we love

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:14 am
by Dr Green Fang | 142 Posts | 864 Points

I second Hushpuppy and after 3 other nutrient regiments, I'm going to be using Jungle Juice 3-part exclusively for the duration of my horticultural experience.

Nute Regiment:
Jungle Juice 3-part
Pure Blend Tea
Thrive Alive (B-vit)
Foliar Spray = Dutch Masters - Liquid Light + Saturator

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:28 pm
by P J | 72 Posts | 488 Points

Keeping it real, I tested the AN line they "claim" to be the equivalent to General Hydroponics when it came out and found it to be utter crap as a stand alone product. The shelf life was 3 months tops before it starts to grow mold in the veg nute in a brand new sealed container kept in a cool dry cabinet I use to store all nutes. Opened up a second sealed container after I noticed the opened one had mold in it, and the brand new bottle was full of mold. Took it back to the store to have them replaced, and was told by the owner, we'll never carry that crap again...

I have also always found it odd that anyone who has ever had a positive thing to say about that company uses 15 additives to compensate for it.

Last edited Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:29 pm | Scroll up


RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:30 pm
by Dr Green Fang | 142 Posts | 864 Points

I don't know, I get 5-8 Oz's per plant in my 4x4 tents off the stuff. I think it works great, and I'm extremely sorry to hear about your issues with mold. :(

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:33 pm
by Dr Green Fang | 142 Posts | 864 Points

Double Post sorry, ignore this one lol

Last edited Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:33 pm | Scroll up


RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:39 pm
by JackRyan420 | 288 Posts | 1272 Points

Quote: ozzydiodude wrote in post #9
http://www.marijuana-culture.com/t20f23-Jmansweed-s-Nute-Study.html this is a great read on the different brands most the better brands are in it

Thanks Ozzie.

That guy seemed real smart MJ-wise, and he loved the results AN produced.

Another guy who seems smart MJ-wise (homebrewer over on RollItUp) did a side-by-side comparison of AN vs. Dyna-Gro, and swore up and down that Dyna-Gro slightly outperformed AN.

Just another example of "which qualified person should I believe?".

I guess I'm gonna try AN to see for myself.

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:24 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

Quote: P J wrote in post #11
Keeping it real, I tested the AN line they "claim" to be the equivalent to General Hydroponics when it came out and found it to be utter crap as a stand alone product. The shelf life was 3 months tops before it starts to grow mold in the veg nute in a brand new sealed container kept in a cool dry cabinet I use to store all nutes. Opened up a second sealed container after I noticed the opened one had mold in it, and the brand new bottle was full of mold. Took it back to the store to have them replaced, and was told by the owner, we'll never carry that crap again...

I have also always found it odd that anyone who has ever had a positive thing to say about that company uses 15 additives to compensate for it.

hey it's more like 7 but you started me thinking...
What is it you use? not base line but complete cause it sounded like what im doing is stooopid to you?
I actually thought the adds did something..but hey maybe im wrong
Compare me your hydro list so i can maybe learn something ?


Last edited Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:04 am | Scroll up


RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Wed Mar 12, 2014 7:36 am
by P J | 72 Posts | 488 Points

I hate to use the word , [can we call it naive?] but call it what you will. Again, using "7" extra products is not only costly [cause we all know by the time you add all the extra's to their base your nutes they are very expensive] but isn't the whole idea of using AN because they are "cheap"?

AN does not claim to be a "better" product, only cheaper.

That is the reason I see a lot of people go to their line because they are about 30% cheaper than GH, and Big Mike uses that reason solely to sell his inferior products. Then he sells all these extra products with the fancy colorful labels at twice to sometimes three times the cost as the closest competitor making you spend tons of extra cash.

My nutes are Flora Bloom, and Flora micro for the base. I add Protek Silica because I use an RODI for my make up water so all silica is removed in that process so it is needed and would be with any base product. It also helps at keeping PH stable.

I also add liquid Kool Bloom and recently started adding the product Sugar Daddy but tbh I see no real benefit from it so when it is done it will be gone.

I'm not here to tell anyone who uses the stuff to change what your doing. Quite frankly I really don't care if you like to spend tons of cash on nutes, but this thread was asking for feedback on AN and my feedback is you can do a whole lot better for a lot less money.

And lastly, no Surfinc you are correct, the additives are doing something. They are making up for everything the base nutes don't do as a stand alone product you can do in other lines. AN was also able to get you to "buy in" to their cheaper than GH motto then sell you tons of extras through their advertising and pretty bottles of snake oil, so hats off to them and grabbing another victim.

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:41 am
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

so with flora micro flora bloom some liquid cool bloom and silica you run the whole tray the whole time...sounds great i guess ill try it..next set kids go in this week...should be fun...il start a journal maybe although got too much going on

Can I ask what medium?
Also do you use any Mitochondria or anything like that at transplants??

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:55 am
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

I have to disagree with you PJ I am using JJ 3 part by itself and my my pants are doing fine. All three bottles cost me $25 ( 3 litres). JJ is the same as GH 3 part. I have had mine for over 3 months and I am sure it sat in the store for a while also so mold is not an issue for me.
JackRyan420 give it a try, it is cheap and simple to use. If you like your Dyna grow keep using it.

Last edited Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:57 am | Scroll up


RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:00 pm
by P J | 72 Posts | 488 Points

Quote: MR1 wrote in post #18
I have to disagree with you PJ I am using JJ 3 part by itself and my my pants are doing fine. All three bottles cost me $25 ( 3 litres). JJ is the same as GH 3 part. I have had mine for over 3 months and I am sure it sat in the store for a while also so mold is not an issue for me.
JackRyan420 give it a try, it is cheap and simple to use. If you like your Dyna grow keep using it.

It is your right to disagree, but I have seen the results from a spectrometer and they are not the same. They are at the very best and attempt to copy GH, but they use a company [who shall remain nameless] to buy inferior product to produce their jungle Juice line from overseas, and that's the last I will weigh in on the subject.

Best of luck.

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:08 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

The results don't look inferior. I used Gh Flora Nova before I switched. It worked good too but I think the JJ is just as good so far and is cheaper.

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:29 pm
by Deleted User

funny how the world leans towards the pricer chem lines when they could get the same results when using purly organic amendmants.
less problems, easier to fix, no ppm ph ect testing. mix, add water and grow. the bigger u get your plants the better they do, clones run way better and having a sustainable garden, environmentally controlled. safer healthier product period!

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:41 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

Right, $25 compared to $45

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:34 pm
by P J | 72 Posts | 488 Points

Quote: MR1 wrote in post #20
The results don't look inferior. I used Gh Flora Nova before I switched. It worked good too but I think the JJ is just as good so far and is cheaper.

You have never in your life used these to flower a single plant, and you are up in here defending AN?

Don't you think it may have been a good idea to see how well it is or isn't going to work before you try and debate with a guy who has run over 200 plants in the crap?

Quote: MR1 wrote in post RE: Kristalica and The Purps
Thank you Surfinc, I try to keep ph at around 6.5. I am following the directions on the bottle for feeding as this is my first time using the Jungle Juice. I like how my plants like the JJ and this is with no additives. We will see how it does in flower.

You can't make this stuff up.

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RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:42 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

Simmer down now, If you read my post again I am describing my results I have had so far. We will see how good it is in flower. No debate, just stating facts.

Last edited Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:43 pm | Scroll up


RE: Advanced Nutrients?

in Nutrients Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:05 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

Sorry PJ I forgot about my Budding to early plant. I used GH flora Nova for grow and JJ for bloom with overdrive the last two weeks. This was an auto plant that turned out quite well.

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