
clean sprayer that had neem oil in it before?

in Soils and Soil-less Growing Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:47 am
by zipflip | 57 Posts | 259 Points

again im not sure if this be the right spot for such post but here goes.
im preppin my soil mixes for my tomatoes etc comin up here shortly, and naturally, I wet the soil mixes down a bit befopre letting cook for a bit, only I forgot that I had used neem oil in my big pump sprayer in vegoe garden outside last year . well I did wash it out but I prolly used the neem too much to where it almost seems like its soaked intot he plastic jug of it. idk... granted its just an odor that's really left in spray jug, I still unsure if this will cause harm if I use this same spray to fill wit my watter/wetting agaents to wet my mixes down. last thing I want is for the smell transfer to my soil mixes and my tomatoes come out tastin like neem LOL... only reason I use a big pump sorayer is its easier to wet the mixes evenly by sprayin a bit and fluffin mix up and repeat til right where I like it, vs jus dumpin in a jug of water and doin that way.
is there a sure fire way to clean this smell outta sprayers or is it of no concern. im sure some of you have sopme use experience wit neem and know wat im talkin bout. what have u folks done or do u jus dedicate a specific sprayer for jus the neem and use others for other things? I dropped over 50 bones for this sprayer and I hate to jus have to dedicate it specific for neem appications only and have to buy a new one. and btw I have botu 16 bags of soil mixed in wit other ammendments so im sure you can see why im set on usin this particular big sprayer vs a smaller one. id get arthritics or carpal tunnel will act up if I keep pullin them triggers on them lil spray bottles tryin to wet that much soil mix down that route. and I have doen the whoel dumpin in a jug of water strait form jug slowly but still it never seems to wanna wet evenly and I spend more time havin to turn soil til it gets soaked thru the totes of soil etc..

thanks much.

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RE: clean sprayer that had neem oil in it before?

in Soils and Soil-less Growing Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:00 am
by pcduck (deleted)

I do not foresee any problems. As you have it cleaned out and neem is organic and should break down quite rapidly.
Also don't Tomato farmers use neem on their plants also?

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RE: clean sprayer that had neem oil in it before?

in Soils and Soil-less Growing Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:01 am
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

Hello zip...I use the same spray bottle for things...just rinse out well....Have you tried a Pump sprayer?....I use a 1 gallon pump sprayer for my plants....also you said ya use a jug...do you punch holes in the cap so it makes more of a Shower effect Best of luck bro

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RE: clean sprayer that had neem oil in it before?

in Soils and Soil-less Growing Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:13 am
by zipflip | 57 Posts | 259 Points

4u<< yeah it is one them pump sprayers. four gallon I think. maybe 3 who knows. jug- I was talkin bout the alternative of simply pouring water from a jug . ive done that in past and worked. just had to do more hand mixing labor is all. I tried the pump sprayer one year and was inlove with how much easier and faster it was to actually get my mixes wet thouroughly by just misting then swiping top layer soil away then misting then swiping layer away then tossed the whoel pil few times and done. when id dump in form a jug id get spots wherethe ferts/ammendments and soil would sorta clump together. lol idk the whoel sprayer deal just seems to work easier, nicer. who knows may jus be all in my head too. haha
duck<<< I used it on my toms last year too for tater bugs, but figured the rain took care of the rinsing, as well as washin them before eating. just still wasn't for sure on it usin to wet a soil mix was all. whenever overtired and stressin and tryin rat race to get buncha things done at one time I tend to overload and do the whoel mental splittin hairs thing whenever hit wit situations where anything falls outta beat with the flow of things for me. OCD me thinks.

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RE: clean sprayer that had neem oil in it before?

in Soils and Soil-less Growing Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:11 am
by The Hemp Goddess | 281 Posts | 1083 Points

I have different sprayers for different things. I think it is important to not mix insecticides and fertilizers and not be adding these things when you want clean plain water. While I doubt that the residual neem oil will harm things, it could. I also doubt that you will be able to rinse all the residual neem oil out of there--it is oil and it doesn't clean well.

What sprayer did you buy that was $50? I use 1 or 2 gallon pump up sprayers with a wand that I can pick up for $10-20. I have 2 of them that I have had for about 6 years and they both still work great.

If you are mixing your soil outside, a nozzle on the end of the hose should be able to get you a fine enough spray for what you are doing.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History--Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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RE: clean sprayer that had neem oil in it before?

in Soils and Soil-less Growing Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:38 am
by Hushpuppy | 77 Posts | 323 Points

Its been my understanding that Neem oil breaks down fairly quickly after it is applied, and is broken down biologically within the plant itself, so it will not leave any kind of taste residue within the fruits. If the oil is applied directly to the fruits then it should be washed off at harvest to remove any residue. It also isn't affective against microbial life so having it in the soil should pose very little problem if any. As THG said, there is some risk of interaction any time multiple chemicals are introduced together. I would say like THG to just get another sprayer and keep that one for applying Neem oil for insect repellant in the summer.

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RE: clean sprayer that had neem oil in it before?

in Soils and Soil-less Growing Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:41 am
by zipflip | 57 Posts | 259 Points

THG<<< the sprayer I got is actually one u'd prolly use more for outdoors. its a 4gallon tall jug with a attached wand and lieka 3foot hose. don't have in front me to tell ya brand etc but its a really good one tho. I nveer buy the cheapest anything . i'll always look at the most expensive item/version first then work my way down in price. ive had better luck in quality of things I buy now days that I started shoppin this way vs the past where instinct would be to look at cheapest and go from there when makin selections. always ended up wishin I had a ticket to china to go slam a few heaDS TOGETEHR . LOL
I actually did buy it for outdoor garden one year was why I got it. garden was too big for me to be out there iwt some lil sprayer tyrin to treat whole garden. I could mix soil outside tho like ya mentioned but I think my hose spigot is prolly frose up for the winter here. if not then the water'd prolly turn to ice before it hit the soil LOL.. plus the chlorine level in our municipal is absolutely SICKENING high. if ya don't open up a faucet for half a day it burps a gurgle of air for second at first and then water and the whole room your in will literally smell like ya was using bleach in there. TDS out the tap here is over 550 even. id die of thirst before I drinkt he tap water here. nor will I administer it to a live soil mix for that reason. I have RO unit tho that gets a lot of use.
I almost alwauys prepared for jus bout everything havin 2-3 of everything and different versions etc . (but when I went ot check my lil pump sporayer it was shot. also all my smaller hand trigger spray bottles the pumps all wore out on those too. it almost feels like someone snuck in in middle the nite and sabotaged any and all sprayers of sorts in my home . LOL also I live alone in outer space and nereast shoppin is minimum 50 miles away and I cant drive either and don't know anyone to call to simply ask" hey pick me up lets go to walmart" type deal. hence why I seem to stress bout a lot of things when simple solution is to just go out and buy something to make happen. its easier to try make something I have on hand work than to try get out in the world to go shop for anything anymore .
but I just ended up taking the product water line hose off my RO unit just before the membrane and let run thru just carbon blocks to get chlorine at least and just turned it on and thumbed the end like a garden hose to get a mist going on, but after I did one bin of soil I realized, DUH! wetting agent so ixnay that water filter hose deal. LOL I just said heck wit it and ordered new pump sprayer online . hopefully be here by weekend. its just soil for vegies so its not like uder any pressure to hurry. also not sure if im even gon be abel toget a vegie garden goin this year either. jus mixin up just in case situation permits. worse case I just give grandma and grandpa all my tomatoes and pepper starts etc for their garden.
im probably gona be moving this year sometime and had buncha bag left on the pallet of bags I got coupel years back. like I said when I do get out in the world and need something I stock up :)
gots go finish burnin down my smoke and think of something to tweek out on tonite now. zip-alone-bored-no one to talk to-high-and copious amounts of coffee = Uh Oh LOL

Last edited Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:49 am | Scroll up


RE: clean sprayer that had neem oil in it before?

in Soils and Soil-less Growing Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:39 pm
by The Hemp Goddess | 281 Posts | 1083 Points

LOL--I also live in "outer space" and cannot simply hop over to HD or Walmart. I drive, but with gas the price it is, I only go when necessary and then try to "shop big". Hence the reason that I DIY most of my stuff myself from stuff on hand, too. I also have about 4 bags of soil left over from summer sitting somewhere under the snow on a pallet, too. I have 3' of snow on the ground--the reason that I do not do soil in the winter. LOL--sounds like we could be neighbors.

The neem oil should probably not harm anything.

I love living alone and never get bored. Want to come to my place and help me finish painting?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History--Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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RE: clean sprayer that had neem oil in it before?

in Soils and Soil-less Growing Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:20 am
by mas flores | 3 Posts | 7 Points

Me too about loving living alone and not allowing boredom. So much to wonder about, there is need to suspend time. Yesterday there was 3' of snow here now 2' with a coating of ice. Quiet time. Recording a pile of old cassette tapes (Lightin Hopkins, KD Lang, Bob Marley and the Wailers in the current row) to MP3's. Making a clay sculpture of a preta, insatiable needy hungry ghosts you see'em Black Friday. This winter not such a bad season at all.

Neem is an often effective appetite supressant in certain insects and said to be useful with fungi in some way. I use it lightly, maybe a tbls. per gallon and try to empty the container within a day or two. It works great on slugs. A pint will last me several years. I don't think it has many bad effects but I wouldn't want to chug a jar.

Interesting fact of the day: Johnny's Selected Seed Catalog sells Dandelion seeds. 45000 seeds to an ounce! I know a healer lady who cruises her spots every spring gathering up armloads of dandelion greens to freeze.

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RE: clean sprayer that had neem oil in it before?

in Soils and Soil-less Growing Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:11 pm
by zipflip | 57 Posts | 259 Points

Quote: The Hemp Goddess wrote in post #8
LOL--I also live in "outer space" and cannot simply hop over to HD or Walmart. I drive, but with gas the price it is, I only go when necessary and then try to "shop big". Hence the reason that I DIY most of my stuff myself from stuff on hand, too. I also have about 4 bags of soil left over from summer sitting somewhere under the snow on a pallet, too. I have 3' of snow on the ground--the reason that I do not do soil in the winter. LOL--sounds like we could be neighbors.

The neem oil should probably not harm anything.

I love living alone and never get bored. Want to come to my place and help me finish painting?

have u gotten to the point yet where the times ya do go shoppin u tend to stock up on all sortsa DIY stuff like tools and things lek glues duct tapes foam wood, among several million other things to simply prepare urself for when that "ya never know when ur gonna need..." moment hits, and tehn it hits ya and ya realized you proolly done spent 3 times more money on all the gadgety stuff as it woulda cost ya to simply go out and order up or buy the real deal? LOL I think im like a tweeker trapped in a stoners body at times LO.. but honestly never was a fan of the whoel tweeker game. im spun tight naturally lmao. Paint? if you want it to look like a kindergartener did it wit his fingers lmao. I cant even see to stay in the lines in a dang coloring book . I don't live out in the sticks or nothing just feels like it is all. bt my dream is to get out in the sticks. jus me an a dog and a gun :D

Last edited Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:12 pm | Scroll up

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