
Best Of A Sad Situation

in things you need to know Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:17 am
by gunforhire | 2 Posts | 15 Points

This is my first post at the new site. I like what you folks have done here. I have reduced my on-line presence by about 98%. I no longer feel comfortable on the net however I could use some expert advice and this is the best way to get it. Due to a move I must take down my grow room temporarily. This means that I will be forced to chop 4 Liberty Haze from Barneys Farm about 2 weeks early. Trichomes are about 60% clear, 35% cloudy and about 5% amber. It could be up to a week before I can set up a proper drying enviroment. What is the best way to do this. Should I chop and freeze right away? Dry everything in an oven? Other ideas? This is personal medication so taste and bag appeal don't matter. Thanks.

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RE: Best Of A Sad Situation

in things you need to know Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:50 am
by Hushpuppy | 77 Posts | 323 Points

I would get a couple off the large rubberized/plastic totes (depending on how much you think you will have after the chop), then go to the hardware store and get some screens that you can ffit into the totes or you can buy bulk screen and make your own screen tables and make 2 levels for each tote. Also while at the hardware store look for desiccant bags to go in the bottoms of the totes. You can also buy the desiccant bags at the walmart. This will be the cheap and easy way to get it down and out of site while it dries. I would place it somewhere cool and out off any sunlight but somewhere that you can get to it to open up 2 times every day to aid in the drying process. You may have to change the desiccant bags once while drying depending on how much material you put in each tote. I would place 2 bags in each tote, and that may last until they are dry enough to switch to curing. You will also need to get some carbon chips from either walmart or the pet store and dump into the bottoms of the totes to absorb the odor off the buds so that they don't reek each time you open them.

You can actually leave them in the totes to cure some as well, you just have to adjust your opening times and once they are dry enough, and when the cure begins, you take out the desiccant bags so that the cure goes slower. If you want to get a little higher tech, you can get a small computer ffan to go in each tote. You drill holes in one end and mount the fan at the other end so that it sucks the air out off the tote and ffresh dry air is sucked in to help with drying. However, this requires that you wire the ffans to little power supplies and plug them in somewhere.

I personally wouldn't freeze it. I hope this helps you.

Doctor Madbud
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RE: Best Of A Sad Situation

in things you need to know Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:57 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

only freeze right away if you plan to make Bubble Hash....why did you not have the Dry room in mind before now?.....

Light travels faster then sound....... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak

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RE: Best Of A Sad Situation

in things you need to know Sun Mar 23, 2014 5:54 pm
by gunforhire | 2 Posts | 15 Points

I did. We were caught by surprise by the move. I had 7 weeks notice so I had to either kill this crop or go for broke. I switched all rooted clones to flower and hoped like heck for enough to get through the summer. The grow room/ dry room is on the truck by Friday My new location looks to be pretty secure but I want several months there before continuing.

Hushpuppy, It does me good to see you around. I hope all is well.

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