
Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:04 pm
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

Hey folks! Now that i have a "permanent" place to grow and no growme's i will start a thread and post some of the stuff i am growing. Most of you know me by now, but i am 50 years old, been using cannabis since i was 13 with some long stretches of sobriety because of jobs, etc. I actually "learned" how to grow when I was 13 and read Ed Rosenthal and Mel Franks first book at my cousin's house (babysitting, read that thing 4 times completely thru before i graduated) but didn't actually start growing my own until the mid to late eighties. I have been on some unique websites and made friends all over the world, and I've managed to acquire quite a few seeds, some common, some not so common. I will write out my strain list here soon but here are a few pictures to get started -

1966 Lambsbread IBL
Santa Cruz Blue Dream x SFV OG Kush
Group Shot
Buckeye Purple

Thats it for the moment! will be updating with pics from my chicken coop grow last year and more of the other babies. clones. plus the strain list i am going to be running looking for mother plants. I have a lot of stuff to clean up and this place is bug heaven, going to be adding a boatload of beneficials including nematodes, wasps, just a bunch of different goodies, going to be fun and hopefully not too boring! Coming up with more pics!

Last edited Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:06 pm | Scroll up


RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:00 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

Let's help each other, by spreading our knowledge of the plants we love

Cannabis grown with care grows into medicine somewhere!
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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:24 am
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

I remember the chicken coop. Is the Lambsbread IBL the one that Sativa Diva (PGW aka ProGro) made?

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Sat Aug 30, 2014 4:55 pm
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

Hey Mel, Ozzy! thanks for stopping by. No, Melvan, these came from a guy in europe - can't remember the country but i am an honorary member of his collective (traded some afghani x gdp beans for them). Supposed to be the real deal, brought back by this guy and some friends many moons ago, and they did "natural" breeding, no selecting, just popping a few hundred seeds and letting them go. . it tends to stay a lime green, stems turn violet, has ridges on the main stalk that are violet, haven't finished one out yet but hopefully one of these will be a girl. almost ready to open the whole pack up so I can make sure these stay around and maybe have some to share, if the smoke is any good, that is. skinny leaves, smaller plant with no discernable stretch as far as i could tell last time. about all the info i got on it, so far.

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:09 am
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Just to play devil's advocate.

A strain from '66 with no selective breeding isn't going to come anywhere near the potency of even the lowest end strains we have available today. Also, that old of a line, they're going to intersex, it's just the way it was. In a long finishing sativa like Lambsbread, minimum 14 weeks, most likely 20 or more, you'll be a good 6 weeks into flower before the intersexing even begins, if they're the real deal.

You know I love the old stuff, but even I would weigh the pros and cons before I invested a lot of time and energy. I have a thread at our old haunt, if you still go there, where I ran those Meigs County Gold from '75. The only thing good about her was the super strong lemon pine scent, and I now have a huge sack of "femmed" MGC, lol.

This is just me taking the con side. I am in no way trying to tell you what to do in your own garden, just wanted to share my thoughts.

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:12 pm
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

I dont mind, mel - and i really appreciate your insite on it, believe me! You are one of the people i respect the most when it comes to stuff like this. That being said, I am excited, still. I hope it takes 20 - i have some sam the skunkman thai skunk haze i am going to start next, too, so they won't be alone, lol.

I wish i remembered the guy or copied down our conversations, like I do when its i shouldn't forget. If i remember they didn't work it just kept it the way they found it or the way it was given to them. it might have been worked by the guys in Jamaica for all I know before he got it = I don't think anyone would keep something that was bad around that long just because. I refuse to be negative and, if you saw them in person, you might agree, as they are looking early in veg nice and potent. need to do a stem rub and see if i smell anything yet, they are only right at 14 days from seed. be right back!!

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:16 pm
by LEFTHAND | 111 Posts | 418 Points

Rock it man.
Can't wait to see the 66's. Old gear is where it's at ;).
Lotta old has been ruined over the yrs IMO
Pulling up a crate with my tray n Cana caps.

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:35 am
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

Okay, so dammit, my nose has been runny and I can't smell for the last 2 days (probably more, just now that its important I notice, lol!) Took some more pics today, here we go - hope you guys don't get tired of veg pictures cause its gonna be a minute for budshots, except for when i share last years grow. just finishing the very last bit of "grindage" from it, finally. the chicken coop grow was pretty frigging awesome considering i just used compost, chicken compost, some bone and blood meal and a little molasses to rock them babies - oh a couple of kelp sprays here and there, too, lol. anyway, here are a few pics
Lambsbread 1966 [[File:001.JPG|none|auto]][[File:002.JPG|left|auto]][[File:005.JPG|left|auto]]
Frosty Buckeyes [[File:006.JPG|left|auto]][[File:008.JPG|left|auto]][[File:010.JPG|left|auto]]
Mango Kush

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Fri Sep 05, 2014 5:30 pm
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points


Purple Buckeye

Frosted Buckeye

Sour Flaming Cookies

Mary Jane's Skunk

Master OG x Herijuana

Cantaloupe Skunk

Candy Kush clone from my local dispensary

Whew! much better. okay some of the reason they look yellow is i just discovered my freaking water here is now over 9.2 ph!!! out of the tap! Central Cali water sucks ass, i am going to have to fix this somehow. my buddies filters on his swamp cooler were so full of calcium buildup they were rock solid and each pad wieghed like over 50 lbs each, heavy and laden with crap from the low water tables. I do not want to have to start buying r/o bottled water to finish this stuff out but its getting bad!


Last edited Fri Sep 05, 2014 5:59 pm | Scroll up


RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Sat Sep 06, 2014 10:26 am
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

My tap water is 8.5 with tds of 250, I don't use hard water nutes or r/o water. My plants still are healthy unless I screw something else up.

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:45 pm
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

I wasn't phi'ng my water before, i thought it was still like last year. my tds is 330 today and ph is 9.4. But I know for sure i screwed the ph using anywhere from 8.8 to 9.2 ish range water in small, 8 to 16 oz cups. they are just now finally starting to green up instead of grow yellow, lol. I grow organically just water with little nute mixing - maybe a tea or two. Hey, a worm casting/kellp tea, taht might perk things up the rest of the way. The frosted buckeyes could care less, they never slowed down or discolored at all, but the purple buckeyes you can see the yellowing as well as the lambsbread. new pics coming tomorrow maybe, feeling down in the dumps today. freaking medicine sucks.

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:10 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

All porn is good porn phil, doesn't matter if it's veg or bud, lol.

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:25 pm
by LEFTHAND | 111 Posts | 418 Points

I'm new to "organics". So I tred lightly. Hshaha.
But 9.4 ph wow. That's pretty far outta a "safe" range fir buffering no??
The Soil could be having a hard time buffeting that no?? If so. This could be causing a lock out. ?? No?? Bringing ph down even to 7 would or should do some Bennie no ?? Trying to help n learn at same time. Lmfao.even a nice kelp foliar would perk em up. My last run with bottled organics didn't play out so well. Haha. My super soil mix on the other hand is doing wonders. N have had no issues as of yet. Knock on wood. Generally seem to come on in flower. Which is odd to me.
I know I have to use a mixture of ro and tap due to ppms. N cost of buying. If it was a 1$ a jug like when I started I'd say screw diluting my tap n use all ro but ya. Lol.

You def got an interesting lineup sir.

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:18 am
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

Quote: Melvan wrote in post #12
All porn is good porn phil, doesn't matter if it's veg or bud, lol.

Thanks Melvan! I will take more pics after i transplant today or tomorrow. they are starting to come around some after my high ph start. Jeez, i gotta stop being complacent, keep a closer eye on things, lol! I read in the paper today they are releasing water into the aquifer south of here, probably means a ph drop back to the mid 8's. I will tell you, having ph like this makes for some interesting growing, thats for sure, lol. I guess I am gonna have to work at this one, last one was easy comparatively speaking!

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:36 am
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

Quote: LEFTHAND wrote in post #13
I'm new to "organics". So I tred lightly. Hshaha.
But 9.4 ph wow. That's pretty far outta a "safe" range fir buffering no??
The Soil could be having a hard time buffeting that no?? If so. This could be causing a lock out. ?? No?? Bringing ph down even to 7 would or should do some Bennie no ?? Trying to help n learn at same time. Lmfao.even a nice kelp foliar would perk em up. My last run with bottled organics didn't play out so well. Haha. My super soil mix on the other hand is doing wonders. N have had no issues as of yet. Knock on wood. Generally seem to come on in flower. Which is odd to me.
I know I have to use a mixture of ro and tap due to ppms. N cost of buying. If it was a 1$ a jug like when I started I'd say screw diluting my tap n use all ro but ya. Lol.

You def got an interesting lineup sir.

I get r/o at the stand for 25 cents a gallon, mixing just a gallon in with 4 of tap makes a big difference. right now my grow is pretty small so my 5 gal buckets for mixing and bubbling will work but i need to find a barrel or two soon, lol. I plan on vegging these so that its like they spent most of the summer outside then actually putting them outside to finish up this fall and winter, by march i should have my flower room done and continue inside. just got to make it thru this small little snafu with my ph. gonna lose the single leafs and maybe one more set of lower branches but they would have probably been pruned off at some point anyway so no biggie, and not all the plants were affected - some worse than others, some not at all, like melvanetics frosted buckeye - those just laughed at the high ph and kept on growing green and stacking nodes. most vigorous plant i have grown to date!!

thanks on my lineup - I have a whole bunch more stuff just waiting in the wings - cherry puff x grape puff, lost skunk (UK Cheese "blues" x "livers" cut), hazerdous creation (NL5 / hz x platinum kush x chem d), affie 88 (afghanistan pre 1988 held by a close few in michigan, put in storage for future use in 1988), among others. stay tuned!!

Last edited Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:41 am | Scroll up


RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:44 pm
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

Banana Larry OG, newest addition to the lineup. Picked her up for 10 bucks from my local dispensary. More pics of the rest of the garden coming up soon, things have and are recovering nicely.

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:24 pm
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

these are Banana Larry OG clones from my local dispensary - so far they have been righteous with everything they've ever offered. we shall see!! Leaving them in these small post to really work on root development, plus i am behind schedule, lmao!!
these are Blackberry Kush x Grape Romulan BX3 (i think its sour grape kush maybe? can't remember) gift from a good buddy.
Master OG x Herijuana (Cabin Fever's Master og x sannies herijuana ibl) I made these in 2010 in Arkansas.
Frosted Buckeye from Melvanetics!! Woohoo, loving these babies, Mel!! Can't wait for flower!!!
1966 Lambsbread, coming out of the ph funik quite nicely. also working on my watering - vegging in a garage with no ac and having those ph issues early on led me to get a little anxious to get the next "better" ph'd watering/feeding done. along with the ph spike in the water supply my 1 month old tester got a bad sensor and i probably watered twice with crap i shouldn't have before I figured out that i had watered with around 5ph or maybe lower, along with the previous spikes of 8-9.2. hopefully, these next couple of weeks will be smooth. for some funny reason the water is now right around 7-7.5. the guy at my local shop just shakes his head and says around here you have to check every single time because it fluctuates quite a bit here. pretty funny - he uses a liquid test, says having a meter fail is just not an option. he does aquaponics, all kinds of cool stuff. i will take some pics of his setup and post them next time i go in. Later folks!!

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:24 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Looking.great Phil. Sounds like your local water treatment plants has troubles on their end, which would give you troubles on your end. Are you going to let them run all natural or do you plan to do some training?

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Thu Oct 16, 2014 8:36 am
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

a little training, just enough to keep them below the fenceline just in case, otherwise i will probably let them run natural this time. I am going to get cuts of everything now that its cooler i think i can get my cloner running again. I am making it a personal issue to keep a close eye on the water, worst case scenario is 25 cents a gallon for some r/o to mix in. also going to experiment with coconut water and some different teas, too. been doing some reading on sprouted seed teas and stuff, getting ready to start a beneficials garden for next year to see if i can't get this organic stuff worked out, i like the idea of making a tea out of leaf tips, leaving it in the fridge for up to a year and the mix ratio is like 1:500 so a little goes a very long way!

just gave the babies a spray down of neem early this morning, going to start moving the taller ones outside today - i do believe one of the mango kush's is starting to show finally (been moving my clock down slowly to 18/6) I am going to go ahead and put the taller stuff out now then replace the males as they show then replace as i harvest - i want the purple buckeyes to veg a long time, as well as the cantaloupe skunk and a few others. i think i got the killer afghani pheno on the skunk, can't wait, and it looks like i have two different pheno's on the purple buckeye and man oh man, those frosted buckeyes are rocking it big time!! Getting excited!

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:21 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Just for kicks and grins, I have a tutorial on using Oasis Grow Medium wedges for cloning. You can find it here http://www.greenthumbgirls.com/mels-grow...w-medium-wedges

The wedges are super cheap, more than 2000 of them for around $60. And the wedges transfer to all mediums with zero issues (I only know this because I've passed them attached to cuts to every type of grower there is, lol). You can also root 6 plants in a space the size of a 6 spot seed tray.

Just a thought if your cloner is giving you trouble.

It's a good choice giving the Buckeye Purple a nice long veg. Being almost 100% indica, she needs that time to give you good yields. She may finish quick, but she does need a bit more time to grow at the beginning, so basically the short finish is washed out by the longer veg.

Can't wait for the budporn!

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:42 pm
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

Thanks for the info mel!! I have some great news folks - june 15th, right after surgery (and 12 units of new blood after surgery and having some bleeding issues) my hep c viral count was 9.73 million. I started a 3 part treatment of interferon/ribivarin/sovaldi for 12 weeks and within 4, my hep c viral load was undetactable, and has been ever since! I go in January 9th for my "final" test, if its still undetectable in my blood I will be considered cured of the hepatitis c virus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep your fingers crossed it holds, say some prayers, chants, sacrifice animals, I want to thank every body for the well wishes I have received from all i have shared with. finally maybe a light at the end of the tunnel!! (no more being sick and being able to gain weight, put on some frigging muscle and get back to work would be fantastic!! I have an industrial electrician job waiting for me just as soon as I am physically able to give him a full 8 hour day 6 days a week. time to get busy!!

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:57 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

I hope everything works out for you Phil.

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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:06 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

Putting a big thoughts and prayers doobie in the air is good wishes for you , bro

Let's help each other, by spreading our knowledge of the plants we love

Cannabis grown with care grows into medicine somewhere!
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RE: Lbezphil2005's 2014 Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:02 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

That is great news Phil. You show that virus you're the boss of it!

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RE: Lbezphil2005's Organic Journey for Medicine

in Grow Journals Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:41 am
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

Melvanetics Frosted Buckeye, 3 weeks or so in flower.

Cabin Fever's Master OG x Herijuana IBL from sannie (mhog), made by me in 2010. first time growing them out, very very happy so far, especially since this is one of the plants that got hurt by the ph issue i had, then i watered too soon when i transplanted,(twice, what a bonehead i can be, lol!!!)

Just so you guys know, the treatment didn't stick - I go back Jan. 8 to see about a new round, viral load is already back up over 3 million units (was 9.73 million when they started treatment in july, went to undetectable by august). I have an odd genotype, (there are several types of hep c, i have type 6a which comes from china) and its proving to be a little difficult. Melvan, do you think the cuts I took of the fb will root? its almost 4 weeks into flower now, i am going to hit the lower branches with some of the master heri og (LOL) pollen as well as f2 the mhog - this female is the exact same shape, everything is really similar and the frost content on this mother is pretty nice considering its still just a little over 3 weeks in.

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