I think what people forget is that when all our hybrids were landrace strains they developed their smells/resin production to attract the pollinators specific to their environment. If the lineage of your plants comes from landrace strains that didn't need a lot of resin to catch pollen, or they didn't need to get some sticky on the insects to carry pollen on them from plant to plant, then it's not going to appear in our hybrids.
"Frostiness" doesn't not equate to potency either. Some of the most potent tokes I've smoked have grown with very little "sparkle", and feel greasy instead. Eugenics Genetics OG Graze comes to mind right away. Very little frost, even indoor it looked like an od plant, a bit of sparkle only on the bud, nothing on the leaves, but when smoked it turned me into a blubbering idiot.