
Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:49 pm
by Dr Green Fang | 142 Posts | 864 Points

Current experiment being done...

I'm growing two plants in one 4x4 tent right now, and put them each into a 10 gal tote. In the bottom of the totes are two 4 inch cylindrical air stones, spaced evenly apart and mostly in the middle(ish) part of the tote. I then just about covered those (and the bottom) with about 2 inches of Hydroton in the bottom. After this, I mixed up 1/3 Sunshine Advanced Mix #4 (Peat Moss, Coco, Perlite) with 2/3 Coco+additional Perlite.

This is something HushPuppy and I have been talking about for a couple months, and seems like it should be a HIT with anything, not just Hydro.


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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:01 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points

are you going to run the air pump 24/7?

only thought that comes to (my) mind is that air flow might dry out your "soil" faster than normal

good luck

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:05 pm
by Dr Green Fang | 142 Posts | 864 Points

Yea, I'm going to run it 24/7. I also am going to water everyday I'm guessing. I watered my 3gal coco pots everyday my other runs, so I expect that with this one. I may even make up a large tote and use drip lines into the totes with a timer. Not 100% sure about that yet.

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:10 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points

right on.

I just started growing 5 weeks ago so I don't know JACK, just throwing out thoughts.

can't wait to get past the learning stage, I'm always trying to think outside the norm but @ this point I still need to learn what the "norm" IS . LOL

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:00 pm
by shortbus | 253 Posts | 1304 Points

what is your Hypothesis?

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:30 am
by Dr Green Fang | 142 Posts | 864 Points

Well HushPuppy and I speak quite a lot.... and during one of our convo's, I had mentioned that I was going to run just two plants this round in my 4x4 and make them as wide as possible. Well he and I really love Hydro, and if I had the right setup to run just 2 and make them big in Hydro, I would've... instead, I had lots of Sunshine / Coco / Perlite.

Hypothesis: If you take a lot of medium, in my case 10 gal totes with coco etc, and aerate the roots, it should help plant grow vigorously and keep an aerated medium.

Basically, I was going to drill holes in the bottom area of the totes, line with 2" of Hydroton with the 4" cylindrical air stones, then put the medium over the top of all of that. In theory, I should have wonderful drainage properties, and more aeration that that of a Smart Pot. Considering there's not TOO much aeration you can have with a plastic tote, this should certainly help. I feed my medium everyday in coco either way, so this just solidifies the need to feed it every day. I shouldn't have much left over moisture when I go to water.

I'm not sure as if this has been tried much, but I'm giving it a proper go! :)

I wish I got pics for you all, but this all happened within a 10 hour work day on the room. I wasn't about to go down and snag the camera in the middle of it, but I should've had it ready.

Will keep you all posted and reply to any questions.

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:37 am
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

I tried air in my soil...just burnt up the pump...sound like this will most likely be a Hydro even though your useing coco?...

Yeah..pictures would have been great...will watch and see your progress

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:48 pm
by sin inc | 101 Posts | 934 Points

well dr green i might be able to help u with this one there is a system that does what your tying to do you dont have to make you own.its called air injection technology . it might just help u out. here the link

Last edited Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:50 pm | Scroll up


RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:51 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

Good link Sin.

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:34 am
by pcduck (deleted)

Instead of using air stones, why not try drilling small holes in some tubing and coil the tubing in your soil-less medium? Might work better?

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:14 am
by Dr Green Fang | 142 Posts | 864 Points

It just may have worked better PCDuck.. good call.

So far, so good on my air stones though. Not sure how it's all working out, but we'll see :)

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:38 am
by Hushpuppy | 77 Posts | 323 Points

Hey Fellas; I read about this "soil aeration" in an article and it seemed intriguing to me. The whole purpose of root aeration is obvious to experienced growers. The difference here is that while the smart pots allow aeration throughout the sides, into the soil, and hydro systems aerate the water that constantly passes around the roots, in a bigger pot of medium that doesn't have the same properties as the smart pots, there is a great propensity for a lack of aeration in the center and deeper parts of the pot which only gets aeration from the top as the moisture drops. I don't think this idea would work real good in organic soil as it is much more dense (unless greatly mixed with highly porous materials), but for soilless mixes that have superior drainage properties, this aeration will both aerate the soil and oxygenate the moisture within it which can only be beneficial to the plants. :-)

PC; I think the hose coil with air holes coiled down through the pot to the bottom would be ideal. Good idea indeed. I think some variations will certainly arise from this if it works as well as I believe it will. When enough smart people see something like this and put it to thought, some really good ideas have to come out of it. :-)

Doctor Madbud
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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:08 am
by sin inc | 101 Posts | 934 Points

you make a good point hush . they have what what you and pc are talking about check it out. its from the link

Attached pictures:

Last edited Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:10 am | Scroll up


RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:42 pm
by Dr Green Fang | 142 Posts | 864 Points

Oh hey Sin, you're right! Those spider things are quite awesome looking!

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:28 am
by zipflip | 57 Posts | 259 Points

like 4u said, id bet ur pump will most likely burn out. my guess why would be that regardless what ur placing above the air stones/diffusers, anytime you water its gonna drag down particulate as well as microbes etc, and wit all that fresh O2 my thinking is it'll be like a party down there and end up getting gunked up in the air stones thus causin ur pump to work harder burning it out.
I just know that even when I brew up teas, my air stones will get gunked up and the bubbles will be less diffused, then I pull out the airstones formt he brew and rub/rinse them off and its back to normal all nice tiny diffused bubles.
but PCducks idea I too think would be a better approach at what ur tryin to do.
good luck whatever u do tho. itd be interestin to see how it works. never know unless u try I guess.

Last edited Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:32 am | Scroll up


RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:17 am
by Dr Green Fang | 142 Posts | 864 Points

Indeed, I understand where you're all coming from. One thing to take note of, is I did 2 inches of Hydroton in the bottom and surrounded the 4 inch cylindrical stones with this. Sure, the top has soil on it, but I'm not sure if it'd get clogged considering all the hydroton around it.

I sure don't want to burn up this pump or cause issues. Considering bailing out :(

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:28 am
by Hushpuppy | 77 Posts | 323 Points

I don't think it will be a problem as the medium is different from the more dense "soil", and there is less of any kind of "mud" being created that will go to the bottom and clog the bubblers. Also the constant air pushing out should keep the particulate matter pushed away enough, unlike in water where the water is constantly on the stones where super tiny particulate material can be deposited. I suspect they will get clogged some over the length of the grow but not enough to create an issue.

Doctor Madbud
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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:34 am
by The Hemp Goddess | 281 Posts | 1083 Points

The dirt is absolutely going to filter down and fill all the spaces between the hydrotron. I am just not seeing where this is going to be of any real benefit. If you start with a good soil with good drainage capabilities, this shouldn't be necessary or really be in any way beneficial?????

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:44 am
by Rosebud | 499 Posts | 2113 Points

Sorry to be a downer DGF, but i use a pencil inserted about 4 times in my pots... does the trick. Interesting idea though.

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:51 am
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

Fang ,I think you should give it a try. How are you gonna know if it works unless you try it

This is using the system in sin inc's pic

Last edited Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:51 am | Scroll up


RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:54 pm
by Dr Green Fang | 142 Posts | 864 Points

Oh, I'm doing it as we type over this. I see it aerating and having potential of not clogging, but certainly everyone that's chimed in have had quality thoughts and points.

I will take a hose off each day and blow through to check and see if there's any clogging.

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:23 pm
by zipflip | 57 Posts | 259 Points

take a hose off? maybe I misread ya. aren't you using the air stones attached to end of the hoses? if not. what botu doing something along the lines of wat duck stated. but just plug the end of ur hose and poke some holes in the end length of hose that's under the medium.
FYI just make sure ur air pump is setting up higher than the exit end of ur hose. that way if u do get any moisture in the line/hose it wont flow down via gravity into ur innards of ur pump. most air pumps actually state this in the manuals that come with them, and tahts in just water , too so...

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:48 am
by pcduck (deleted)

I still do not understand why?

What is the additional air suppose to do? Air prune all the roots? Plants need some roots.

If your soil is compacting, found out why, could be many things, from not enough perlite ,to too much Mg.

IMO there will be no gain. Just a lot of watering with a high possibility of over-fertilization,due to the soil drying out constantly.
I would save the money and move forward towards adding CO2. I think there has been quite of few growers try this in soil and they did not see any gains just wasted money

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:09 am
by Dr Green Fang | 142 Posts | 864 Points

@Zip: Take the hose off the end that is attached to the air pump :)

@PCDuck: Yeah, I don't know, just an experiment really. My Soilless isn't compacting... and there's nothing that made me say "hey I have to do this or else" ...It's more of an experiment really. Something HushPuppy and I had discussed.

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RE: Aerate the medium... regardless of the medium.

in Advanced Growing Techniques Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:29 am
by Cubby | 1.267 Posts | 4795 Points

@Dr Green Fang have you considered using one of those flexible air stones? You could coil it giving even distribution of the introduced air.

I too am curious to see what, if anything, this will do, Green MOJO Doc.


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