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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Fri May 22, 2015 6:01 pm
by Monoxide | 649 Posts | 2595 Points

@Melvan that Buckeye Purple looks amazing! Would love to try it out!

Whoop Whoop! MCL!!
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Fri May 22, 2015 7:26 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

Wow you really let the weeds around the bamboo get outta control....
Gonna have to chop that all done one day gonna be a ton of work.....

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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Fri May 22, 2015 9:37 pm
by Drfting07 | 264 Posts | 1092 Points

Indeed surf. And even when you cut it all down, the runners will all grow back new shoots.

Sorry for the bad luck Mel.

"Never Kick a Fresh Turd on a Hot Day" Harry S. Truman
Feed the Soil, Not the Plant - Umbra
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sat May 23, 2015 11:38 am
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

I've tried everything to get rid of that damn bamboo, Scott's just doesn't make a pesticide strong enough. I'm going to go in there next week with a machete and start wacking all those weeds down.

Here's a funny story. I posted a pic on IG of a bud and a bamboo stake was in the pic. You know how bamboo has all those holes in it? Well, this guy on IG took a lot of time and effort to give me detailed instructions on how to kill the bore beatles that were invading my plants stems. It was hilarious, especially when I had to reply that I appreciated the info, but he was just looking at a bamboo stake, lol.

I almost deleted his comment to keep people from picking on him, but I didn't, lol.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sat May 23, 2015 11:33 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Immortal Flowers Vortex x Deep Bubba Kush pheno D day 46
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sun May 24, 2015 10:46 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Gorilla Grape F3 start of day 47. She sure has changed her smell in clone form. The seed plant was mild and fruity, but this girl is all floral, and heavy to the lavender. I kept catching wiffs of florals the last few days in all the nasty orange funk going on in there right now, and couldn't figure out where it was coming from until I put my nose down in her tonight.

She went 65 days from seed, don't see that shortening up much in the clone run.

And the 89 NL5 F3 mother all seeded up by the Buckeye Purple stud for The Evelyne (some of you may have gift packs of these labeled Northern Buckeye), day 36
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Mon May 25, 2015 9:40 am
by Cubby | 1.267 Posts | 4795 Points

Once again @Melvan brings on the top shelf porn. You should make a BudPorn calendar.

BHC #6 7/8
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Tue May 26, 2015 1:36 am
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Cubby, I have a disc with all my budporn on it for years and years. I resize the pics, but it's just about full. When we're having a party I'll slip it in the dvd player so there's something on the tv while the stereo is playing. Hours of budporn. Want me to burn you a copy? LOL

I pollinated one of my current Jaffa Cake phenos with the Buckeye Purple male for a freebie when the next drop hits. I can't wait to hunt for the orange flavored purple buds.

I only hit her a week ago, so there would be lots of beans, so she's going to need to run out to around day 75 to get the seeds matured. She's currently day 49

Last edited Tue May 26, 2015 1:38 am | Scroll up


RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Tue Jun 09, 2015 3:43 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

I'm deep into harvest right now. Took 2 of the Gorilla Grape F3 clones last night at day 64. I've got about half the space harvested at this point, was even able to cut off one of the 1ks, which is good with the heat of summer on.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:40 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Day 68 I took long time keeper pheno of Next Generation Grape God. Those of you who have known me for a while have seen this gal a lot over the years, lol. Super strong grape/licorice/star anise smell and flavor that is easily picked out from other smokes. She is totally awesome in the Appalachian guerilla, although she grows to be a big tree and has to be buried deep in the foliage. She's also a heavy drinker, by the time she was at about 3 weeks of veg in that 5 gal she wanted water every other day. When I run her in the 1 gal pots, she demands it every day.

E pheno of Immortal Flowers Vortex x Deep Bubba Kush. This girl was massive, buds are like stones. I'm calling her at 6 zips dried.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sun Jun 14, 2015 11:11 am
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

SWEET!!!! Hey Melvan!! Just wanted to stop in and say hey, I"m still alive and kicking - actually think i am doing pretty well, so far! I am currently doing battle with mice in my seed sprouting area - moving this morning into my closet now that the master kush is done air drying, in the garage they have been having a feast - i've lost around 60 seeds over the last month, I bombed the ever loving crap out of the place and started all the buckeye purple and frosted purple, as well as the last of some bohdi afk x tok and some freaking harlequin bx1 x long bottom leaf that mota sent me to try and help (that makes 15 total seeds of the harlequin x lbl these things have gotten, dammit) THERE ARE 7 CATS AND A FEW DOGS, WHY ARE THERE ANY MICE HERE, LMAO!?!?

Anyway, once i move my light inside i'm going to start the last pack of high cbd seeds i have left and keep the door closed, almost afraid they will follow them in! Doing well on the 44% cbd oil, not sure if its actually shrinking anything yet but at least im not worse, still eating, maintaining my weight (what there is left, lol). I was really hoping to find a good medical pheno out of the buckeye line but apparently the mice needed the nutrition more! funny thing is, i have some seedlings under my led surrounded by larger plants in one gallon bags and the mice haven't touched them at all (one fem warlock, 3 crunk, a couple of gg's diamonds and dust, a medicine man and a z6 i think is what survived.

Those plants look fantastic, melvan!! great job, once again, I will keep checking in as long as i am able to - hopefully i won't ever stop, at least for another 10 or more years - just had a visit from my step son who just got promoted to 1st lieutenant, he and his wife came out to see family and took me up to morro rock and the Giant forest in sequoia national park, had the best day i've had in a long long time, even when he made me car sick, lmao - not used to riding in the passenger seat and he most definitely got his driving skills from me, i was laughing my ass off at the way he was taking curves, speeding - he used to be a bigtime back seat driver (at 10, lol) especially about me speeding, it was a great trip! Keep up the great work, Mel, looking awesome!!

crap!!! just checked firestax and the cloud - sold out everywhere!! DAMN these mice, gonna go to the grow store and get more bait - this really, really sucks!!

Last edited Sun Jun 14, 2015 11:48 am | Scroll up


RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:31 am
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

I think you must be feeding them cats too good, they don't need to hunt them mice, lol.

Glad to hear you're holding steady and feeling good. Sorry I've been lax about checking in, the last 3 weeks have been harvest, trim, harvest, trim, harvest, trim, lol.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:31 pm
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

go mel go!!

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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:47 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Harvested just the tops of the Buckeye Purple mother that was pollinated first, left her bottom to run a bit. There's still a second fully pollinated mother that is 10 days behind, so the fun of harvesting seeds out the bud and grading will soon begin.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:16 pm
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

Alright!! Can't wait till they are ready, i need to gI've purple buckeye another shot while i am able!!

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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:48 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Harvested LiquidKid's Bubba Chunk day 72

Currently day 60, 1989 NL5 F3 mother pollinated by my Buckeye Purple male for the Evelyne. She needs about another week for max seed maturation.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:09 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Harvested the Boysenberry cut of bodhi's Gogi OG F3 today, day 78. She's the last of the non-pollinated plants.

Also harvested the 89 NL5 mom pollinated by the Buckeye Purple male for The Evelyne F1s. I can't wait to see what people find in this cross. Testers were all awesome, colors ranging from deep purple to light pink. Everyone frosty as all get out with sweet fruity wine funk coming off them. Early finishers too.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:28 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

the last of the plants came down from under the 3ks today. All the pollinated plants are either drying or have had their beans harvested.

The second of the fully pollinated Buckeye Purples

And the Jaffa Cake mom that was hit by the Buckeye male for some freebies. I'm personally looking forward to hunting this cross. Bring on the purple buds of orange!

All empty except a few Clean Roots platforms
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:47 am
by Cubby | 1.267 Posts | 4795 Points

It's time to pack that trailer and get the hell otta' dodge. You're gonna' do great @Melvan. The seed world don't know what's coming.

BHC #6 7/8
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:25 am
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

Hell yea!! Great harvest, melvan!!

Guess what?!? In april my cancer marker was up to 22518. As of June 25, its 4506!!

My oncologist can't figure it out, and he won't give the canna oil I'm using credit. now i know cancer medicine is nothing more than drug company scams for profit!!

I'm winning the battle, Melvan!! Diet and 44%cbd oil, at 2.5 grams a day. going to start eating leafs, juicing with my next harvest. keep the faith!!

by the way, that bubbachunk looks frigging awesome, made my mouth start watering!! Nicely done!!

Last edited Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:29 am | Scroll up


RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:15 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

That's great news Phil. Keep doing what the dr says, along with your own treatment, and you'll be running a marathon before you know it.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:18 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

Have safe trip and life

Sending GreenMojo Your way
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:02 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

I have no garden right now except clone storage for the move. It takes 15 minutes like every 3 days to take care of clones in cups.

I have work every day de-seeding bud and packaging, and there's still a lot to go, but it's tedious work, not fun garden work. Makes my back and shoulders really ache.

I have no bud porn of my own and I'm having to troll other sites for a fix, it's really sad. Damn! I can't wait to move!
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:30 pm
by lbezphil2005 | 60 Posts | 247 Points

Quote: Melvan wrote in post #323
I have no garden right now except clone storage for the move. It takes 15 minutes like every 3 days to take care of clones in cups.

I have work every day de-seeding bud and packaging, and there's still a lot to go, but it's tedious work, not fun garden work. Makes my back and shoulders really ache.

I have no bud porn of my own and I'm having to troll other sites for a fix, it's really sad. Damn! I can't wait to move!

i can post some vegging pics but i dont think thats the same!! not sure if i told you guys the latest - cancer level has dropped to 4508!! in april it was 22518, hopefully by the end of the month i will be cancer and hepatitis free, finally!!! WOOHOOOOOO!!!!! Love ya mel!!!

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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:55 pm
by Cubby | 1.267 Posts | 4795 Points

That is great @lbezphil2005

I can't imagine the feeling.

BHC #6 7/8
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