Quote: MR1 wrote in post #76
4u I grew a G13 Labs Cheese freebee from attitude and i liked it.It had a juicy fruit kind of taste. You should get some tasty smoke.
Thanks for looking in
MR1 ....

..Ive ran other crosses with cheese...even Ran some of Rocksters cheese..I have HIGH hopes for this one...another 10 days or so and we will start flowering them...Thanks again and Happy Growing
okay MC...here is the Critical Plus at 60 days...Ive grown this one since Last year and dont like the weak limbs..Last summer I made a cage like thingy and seem to hold them upright better...So this winter I made cages for them But still fall over around day 54....The stems bend and I dont think uptake is going on...I have some coil hangers I use to hold them up a few more days..But Dam we have a few tops on each plant(3)...



Right before flowering