
what you told (or plan to tell) your kids about growing/smoking

in Coffee Table Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:18 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


I know many of you have children.

Obviously Umbra does, 2 cents / pepsi challenge thread.
(The thought of having a grow-off with your kid sounds about as cool as it can get BTW... which got me wondering.)

My daughter is only 6 years old and things are still "easy" to hide from her but I KNOW the day is coming when that will change.

I was wondering if any of y'all could throw down some of your thoughts or experiences with your own children.

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Last edited Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:20 pm | Scroll up


RE: what you told (or plan to tell) your kids about growing/smoking

in Coffee Table Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:09 am
by Ston-loc | 376 Posts | 1601 Points

I posted in another thread but cant find it to paste.

My oldest is 8 and this is our 4 season OD growing. First couple years didn't even have to worry about them. 6 and 7, the questions started. Not sure your legality, but Id say that would change the situation a little. I'm in Cali and super lax on herb here. I'm full on advocate of the awesome powers of this plant, and hold nothing back with my kids. I tell them that some people dont feel the same way, so we dont need to talk to everyone about it.

We have rules and they are good with em. Just like fight club... BUT, say they slip, it isn't like I'm going to prison. My oldest is really asking more and more questions and wanting to help a lot this season. Kind of hard to know where to draw the line. I mean, she outright asks, " if its medecine and helps people, why would people think it's bad?" Or " Can I help with the clipping part this year?" ....... not sure what to say to that quite yet.... haha

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RE: what you told (or plan to tell) your kids about growing/smoking

in Coffee Table Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:30 am
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


so it's still a NO-NO!

it'll be like having a mini DEA agent living IN the house

I might have to move if O-hi-O don't go legal in the next 2-3 years
I really don't want to @ all but @ 42, I'm sick of hiding in my basement
I may own the house now and it's "my basement" but a grown man should not ... never-mind, preaching to the choir

we drink wine/beer after she goes to bed now and she knows it. heck, she reminds us as we pass it in the grocery store.
we also have a drink when we go out to dinner but she has NEVER seen us or anyone drunk.
on the other side, we both quit smoking after she was born and she remembers both of us smoking


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Last edited Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:39 am | Scroll up


RE: what you told (or plan to tell) your kids about growing/smoking

in Coffee Table Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:56 am
by LEFTHAND | 111 Posts | 418 Points

Wish I was legal. Make things a lot easier.
I've got a 2 yr old 7 yr n 8 yr old. They do not see the plants or anything to do with " indoor " gardening.
I'm not too sure if I will bring my kids up into it yet or allow them to do so on their own.
I had a friend go to prison due to his daughter knowing n telling friends at ages of 15. Kids will always be kids on my honest opinion n being said not the biggest secret I'd like my kid to know. Being grown up into or around lips flap people go down. :(.

My 7-8 yr old have recently seen me making canna caps. N did ask what I was doing my wife is big into essential oils. From making her own to buying. Do older 2 do notice n see that being used. N I did tell emm that thus was similar to moms oils. Except it's made for me from "herbs" n other plants ;) no need IMO to know its mj. But they do see me taking em n do see I'm more able to play n do things with them.
So in that aspect I'm all about telling my kids how things in the "natural" can help too ;)


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RE: what you told (or plan to tell) your kids about growing/smoking

in Coffee Table Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:42 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

being legal does help as My kids know its Recreational here. but even b4 we went Legal I been Medical. I sat my kids down years ago and explained what I was doing....and that what I was doing was legal by the State maybe not their Mom...lol...I also explain to them the importance to be Hush Hush....That I feared the thugs and thiefs more then the popo....I just wanted the kids to know Dad wasnt doing any harm....even have my oldest help thin plants out. I wouldnt ask them to do any part of the cultivating...but She wanted to help outback last year...My 2 Girls are now off on they own and have the Boy left...I real supprised they never asked to try it...even after I told them that if they was too play around I would like them to wait till 18 and get it from me.

Hope this helps

take care and be safe

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RE: what you told (or plan to tell) your kids about growing/smoking

in Coffee Table Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:43 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

I have a 20 year old who has smoked for a long time, but I've never smoked with her, or purposely given her anything to smoke. Although, as a teenager she thought she was getting away with pinching my stash, she was wrong, and busting her doing it was thing of beauty, if I do say so myself. And when she was caught, it was really about the bad manners of pinching, not about the smoking.

I've never discussed it with her, it's just always been a part of our lives. It's always been a very open topic with us from the day she was born, heck I paid the bill for having her with pot profits, lol. She's from an entire family of growers on her father's side, as a young one when we hit the guerilla grow and had to take her with us, we were just out walking in the woods. Once laws kick in, she'll turn grower, no doubt.

I think those of you with toddlers won't have to worry about it too much. By the time they're old enough you'll be protected by laws, and the keeping it quiet will be more about keeping people from breaking in and stealing it. I do believe that indoor growers who have small ones in the house run a much bigger risk than us empty-nesters, because there's always the risk of someone saying it's an unfit environment for the children and getting social services involved.

I think your real issues will come when they're mean, nasty teenagers who hate their parents, and the entire world, and get it into their heads that they have some leverage over you if they know you grow. And trust me, at some point, they will try to use it against you. Teenagers are horrible creatures, lol.

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RE: what you told (or plan to tell) your kids about growing/smoking

in Coffee Table Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:18 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

Told them someday I would explain more but in the meantime don't believe the hype...in a shortened sense,..
My oldest and is 16. She is wise to the business side of my endeavor. She is not super stoked that pops is a stoner. She thinks that's a waste of good brain cells...
My son isn't even the slightest bit interested in the room. He knows or thinks he knows it's my job or what I do for money so he can get candy at 7-11..

Depending on the kid and the questions asked up until this. I have revealed nothing but my true and honest opinion .
I hope it doesn't shake them too hard and they can see the truth on their own.. Schools and general opinion on the matter differ greatly from my reality on the subject so... I am sure a few mixed signals have been sent...

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RE: what you told (or plan to tell) your kids about growing/smoking

in Coffee Table Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:33 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


its not unusual, my high school friend and his younger brother, both BIG time smokers both have 17+ year old kids an neither of them are into the drug scene. the brother's mid-kid on the other hand (16 YO girl) seems to have followed the path of her father pinching off ol-pops bag assuming he won't notice.

just like we did 20+ years ago when he snipped the top bud off his parents grow lol

LOVE all the input and perspectives from my McFamily

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Last edited Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:34 pm | Scroll up

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