

in Germination Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:55 am
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

To get your seeds to germinate you can do this in many ways. such as germinating them in the soil you will be growing in, or germinating them in grow plugs,jiffy grow cubes or with a starter tray from your garden store filled with germinating starter soil.
The way i like to do it is the "papertowel in a ziplock bag method" for this you will need all of about 4 things! Seeds,Ziplock sandwhich bag,papertowel,water.
now when using tap water or water from your sink make sure you let it sit for atleast 24hours to kill some of the unwanted stuff such as chlorine and such or you can just use bottled or filtered water.

1. take a piece of paper towell and lay your seeds out on it as shown in pics.
2. take the water of choice and get the paper towell and seeds wet but not soaking wet, i like to ring the paper towel out a little to get rid of excess water.
3. lightly fold the papertowel over your seeds.
4. take the wet papertowel with seeds and place them inside of ziplock bag & seal the bag.
5. place the ziplock,papertowel,seeds in a warm dark area like ontop of your fridge,ontop of your cable box or in a warm closet etc. if its not totaly dark it wont really matter as long as its warm-70-80F should be fine to get them to germ.
6. Make sure to check your seeds every 12/24 hours and make sure that they or the papertowel is not getting dry and if it is lighty moisten the papertowel and put back in bag. while your checking the wet papertowel, peel the papertowel back and check if your seeds have sprouted a little white tip from its shell, if it has a white tip(root) sticking out of the shell by atleast a 1/4" its time to plant them in your growing medium.

48hours later: now after being in the ziplock for exactly 48 hours i peeled the papertowel open to find my 2 seeds have sprouted open with a 1/4" white tip root.(pic) now they are ready to be planted in their soil mix.. i used what was laying around.. miraclegrow with nutes. so i poked a few holes in the bottom of a foam cup and filled it with the soilmix, than i poked 2 holes using a pencil in the top of the soil(pic) and placed the 2 seeds root tip down into the soil(pic) than lightly covered them over. I than sprayed the top layer of soil with water and set them by my window.

24 hours after placing the germed seeds in the soil, we now have them just breaking the soil surface. now all you need to do is give them light eather outdoors or indoors and water them when the pots are dry. after 3 weeks you can start giving them a light dose of ferts if they look to be needing it.

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