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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:40 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Busy day in the veg today. Transpanted 6 clones to their finishing buckets. Late 90's DJ Short Blueberry, 98 Super Silver Haze, 98 Jack Herer, a spectacular pheno of my Northern Blue (DJ short blueberry x 89 NL5), Critical Plus and Super Bud. The last 2 are first time runs for me. They were gifted to me by a local growing friend who has run both phenos multiple times in his indoor and last season in the od.

Started some more seed today as well. Bodhi's Genius Thai (Lemon Thai x Apollo 11 Genius)

Took a bunch of cuts today too. Bubba Chunk, Northern Green and Bros Grimm C99 Grail pheno.

And from the flower room, C99 Grail day 10
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:54 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

Sorry Mel I cant fix the files for some reason they didnt download right

Let's help each other, by spreading our knowledge of the plants we love

Cannabis grown with care grows into medicine somewhere!
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:26 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

@ozziediodude okey dokey. Can you just delete post #49? Thank you!
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:17 am
by Bigjb | 5 Posts | 39 Points

I use those Hot Shot No Pest strips for preventative reasons 5 weeks before harvest. I always have to watch out for mites and I'll put one in the flowering chamber for a week which knocks them back enough so you won't see any before harvest. I thought if I get the strip out of the flowering room at least a month before harvest, any residue on the plant will be dissipated via air movement and foliar feeding before chopping.

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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Thu Jan 30, 2014 9:14 am
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

@Bigjb I don't think that's a bad idea. Just use the pesticide as long as you need to then get it out of there. I run a perpetual so I just leave them in all the time.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:48 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Buckeye Green day 38

Immortal Flowers Jaffa Cake day 42, orange zest pheno. She just reeks of orange zest, really sucks her buds are so airy and weak.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:27 am
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

From the seed cab. My 13 starts that broke the soil line 8 days ago are doing there thing. The Frosty Buckeyes are going to be a fun F1 polyhybrid pheno hunt, already every one of those starts look totally different. The Genius Thai from Bodhi were started 3 days ago, 4 have broken the soil line, going to give the straggler a couple more days to get on the move.

Last edited Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:27 am | Scroll up


RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:27 am
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

wow Mel nice portfolio. I noticed last night attitude seeds seed bank Trichome Jungle Seeds has a Trichome Jungle Cindy 99 f3. They say it's an original selection from the brothers grim stock. anything close to what your c99 is?

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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:14 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

@jungle I have no clue about their gear, so I can't really say how it compares. Did you google them? See if you can find grow threads or any place they may have documented the seed making?

Bros Grimm C99 is all F1 crosses, lots of people could take the line in lots of different directions working from F1 with all the pheno variations available.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:19 am
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

I c they have the f3 that they say is there best cindy which would be a different phenol than yours. but it's suppose to be from the original selection from the brothers Grimm stock. I did google and the people said look for a pineapple phenol and it's stands out above some other Cindy's they have tried. So if a person can't find yours than this one sounds like a good one. Sorry to take up your time. I think I'd like to cross a good Cindy with a good cantaloupe haze and it would be quite awesome. But that's another thread for another time. Just wanted to mainly let people know about this f3 in case they might find it useful because it seemed to me closely related to yours. Your plants are amazing.

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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:58 am
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

@jungle It's always possible that the pheno that was gifted to me could be found in the F3s, the genetics are all there for her to appear in other seed makings.

Princess x Cindy 88 give Cindy 99. Princess is a Jack Herer x Haze, Cindy 88 is Princess x P75 (which is also princess working) That's a lot of Jack Herer and a lot NL5 floating around in those genes. This pheno I have is Haze leaning in its structure, with hard NL5 & Jack Herer resembling buds, but the smell and resin production go well beyond the 98 Jack and 89 NL5 I currently run. If they've bred out towards the Princess side of things, there is probably a good chance you could find this pheno, or close to it, if you run through enough seeds.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:59 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Speaking of the Grail, here's a few pics of her today, day 18.

Also at day 18 today, Liquid Kid's Bubba Chunk
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:52 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:27 pm
by brimck325 | 55 Posts | 237 Points

killin it as usual mel!

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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:43 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

From the veg, 16 days above the soil line for the new starts. A few of them are ready to pot up, already have very healthy root systems. All 3 of the Northern Grapes are ready, a couple of the Frosty Buckeyes as well. I'll do that one day this week. They're to the point that they need water every day, another sign they're ready to move up to bigger digs.

I'm a bit surprised at the variations showing in the Gorilla Grape F3s. I had expected much more uniform starts, and I've been working that back to the DPD, so I'm not happy to see the small start in front that is growing like a Purple Urkle. I may toss it, because I'm really not interested in chasing PU phenos.

Genius Thai from Bodhi I've ended up with 3. They are about 5 days above the soil line. Had one dud, one that came up and then died with just cotyledons, and I have one that is weak, started with some twisted leaves, but new growth is looking normal, so I'm going to let it ride a bit and see what happens.

Last edited Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:45 pm | Scroll up


RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:54 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

20 days up and some of the new starts were ready to move up to their big buckets.

All 3 of the Northern Grapes were relocated to their finishing buckets.

Frosty Buckeye #2 was ready for its big bucket also, siblings were fed and left to go a bit longer in the cab.

Culled out the weak Gorilla Grape F3 down front, fed the siblings.

Bodhi's Genius Thais are 10 days up. Weak start is moving along so I'm going to let it ride.

All the other starts need a bit more time in the cab before they move up. Between culling and transplanting I was able to free up 6 spots in the cab, so I sowed 3 Buckeye Purple F2BX1s and 3 Buckeye Banana F1s (OrgnKd Banana OG x Buckeye Purple) I took these straight from the freezer to the cups so it'll probably add an extra day or two before I see them above soil.

Last edited Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:56 pm | Scroll up


RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:23 am
by BLG | 4 Posts | 24 Points

Hi Mel,

Nice girls ya got their....
i especially like the gorrilla grape one!!!
All good,have fun with them..BLG

36 years non-stop growing!!!!
Hightimes,Weedworld,Treatingyourself magazine articals
from 06' with 2,3,4 full page spreads with stories/pics,composting tek an all....
WORLD WIDE recognition an respect,message to all,please be cool to me,much LOVE!!!
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:41 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

whats your favorite of the lineage you have now??

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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:50 am
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

@surfin That's a hard question, as I like all of them in different ways for different reasons. The 89 NL5 has to be top gal. High yields of awesome toke in a short finish, can't ask for much more than that.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:22 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Bodhi's Genius Thai out of the soil 17 days.

And harvested today, Northern Green (Buckeye Green x 89 NL5) Buds are super dense and reek of grapes tossed on top of rotting garbage. I have one more clone of her in flower, then she's retired to make room for all the seed starts. My cheap camera won't catch the subtle pinks and purples in the buds, makes her look awesome in a bag.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:10 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

Is it just me or Does anyone else find this Statement Yummy

reek of grapes tossed on top of rotting garbage

Light travels faster then sound....... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak

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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:29 pm
by zipflip | 57 Posts | 259 Points

when I saw the pic of ur bids hangin form them clothespins , instantly I imagined my cat jumpin up and tearin em apart . LOL I too used to use clothes pins and metal coat hangers to hang my harvests, but found the clothes pins to not clamp down nuff one m to hold well. especially if hangin stems that are uber thick and soon as theyd dry a big and shrink they start to loosen grip and fall off easy either breeze brushin by em one day few days into the hanging or my cat simply tyrin to jump at em to swat at em. but I use them metal clamp type paper clip deals. hole hecka tighter onto stems . not sure what the technical term for them clamp clips are but im sure ya know wat talkin bout. plus they almost indestructible vs clothes pins IMO. jus thought id throw that out to ya incase ur having or do have calmpin issues wit ur clothes pins ever. the thought just hit me soona s saw ur pic was all.

grapes an rotting cabbage huh... lol idk botu the rottin cabbage part tho. even cooking cabbage has always made me wanna gag. LOL never thought botu what rottin cabbage all twisted up in a joint would taste like tho either LMAO . some one dry out some sauerkraut and fire it up once an see for em .. LOL jp

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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:01 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Not rotted cabbage, rotted garbage. The 89 NL5 is giving it that garbage funk.

I've used those same hanging racks for a while, they're actually meant for hanging a ladies unmentionables, and they're not regular clothes pins, they're built in to the hanging fixture. Got the first one as a gift a few years ago, have bought a couple more since then, they work great. And none of my 6 cats (count as of today) have ever looked twice at it, mostly because it doesn't hang where they can get at it.

Last edited Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:02 pm | Scroll up


RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:39 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

29 days up and the seed starts are doing well. Northern Grapes are all in finishing buckets and have had their tops pinched.

2 of the Frosty Buckeyes are in their finishing buckets, one still in its cup.

One Dead Diesel has been moved to a 1/2 gallon. I had to transplant a few of the starts to the 1/2s to park them for a bit while I wait for room to free up. Probably going to cull the one still in its cup, it's slow moving and the structure is all male, not really interested in fooling around with it.

All the newly sown Buckeye Purple F2BX1 and Banana Buckeyes are up. The 3rd banana I thought was a no show and had set its cup on the work table. Sat there a couple of days, went to dump it yesterday and the seed had popped, so back under the light it went.

Shot of the seed cab, 89 NL5 and Gorilla Grape F3s are all in there, along with the Genius Thai starts.

And a shot of the veg table where the potted up plants are vegging. Back left is a 98 Jack Herer clone that's recovering a bit from over feeding. She's so sensitive.
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RE: Mel's Porn

in Showing off Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:11 pm
by BudGrower | 547 Posts | 1925 Points

nice every thing, luv how green the plants are, enjoy it

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